How Do You Know If You Have Stomach Cancer?

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Who Am I: I’m Sameer Islam - your poop guru! I am a functional gastroenterologist and I provide options of lifestyle and diet treatment coupled with medical treatment. I make videos about medicine, gastroenterology, and life in general. I write a weekly email newsletter that contains some quick thoughts + links to interesting things

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What questions do you have over gut health drop them down below in the comment section !


My Mother 3yrs ago was diagnosed with a form of stomach that is actually treatable, thank you God for that!! She never smoked, rarely consumed alcohol, & not an once overweight. My understanding is that there are 3 types of stomach cancer & only 1 is treatable, you didn't go into that. My Mother's cancer is in remission & she's doing fabulous! We just celebrated her 89th. Birthday!


Thank you for this very important information. You are so kind to share your expertise with the public.


I have gastritis and hpylori. The herbs help tremendously, as does a carnivore meat and animal based foods. Fibers, fruits, veg a d grains are currently off the table. For me, this is working.


I had a horrible case of HPylori for months. The three antibiotics I took ruined my gut and did not help at all. I’m better now but still worried about developing stomach cancer in the future. Floristor probiotics, broccoli sprout powder, mastic gum & garlic helped me heal my gut.


My sister died of this.Doctors ignored her cause she was 80 pounds overweight.Her last 3 years were hell.


I wake up everyday in horrible pain never goes away either. Belch all day cry all day been over a year! I'm just scared cause deep down u know


Dr, Thank you. This was very informative.


Thank you for bringing awareness about stomach cancer


this and colorectal cancer have a lot of similarities. My dad showed all of these symptoms, turns out he had colorectal cancer. It took him within 12 months. The decline was somewhat slow, but extremely noticeable.


Lost my mom from stomach cancer, adenokarcinoma, lasr months after her surgery she didn't feelt any pain, but she pased away 6 months after the surgery, its traumatic losing your mom 💔💔💔


I have “gave” and require monthly gastroscopy and cauterization of my stomach. I have frequent black stools and nausea, poor appetite food makes me more nauseous. I am iron deficient and anemic at times so weak that I can only walk a short distance with my walker. Unable to do basic ADL’s. Have lost 45 pounds in the past year. Frequent falls, fractured my L1 vertebrae last December. Being treated with blood transfusions as needed and IV iron infusions. My maternal grandfather and maternal uncle died of gastric cancer. Mother died of cancer which had metastasized, not known where the primary cancer was. I’m worried because there has been no improvement in the stomach bleeds. I also have fatty liver disease non alcoholic. Don’t smoke, drink or use illicit drugs, don’t use NSAIDS or acetaminophen. Any comments would be appreciated.


Thanks very much for timely information doc.👍👌🙏 One of our friends sadly has this at the moment, they are feeding him through tubes. 😓😓😓😓


I'm struggling with gastritis but I am currently taking ginger a few times a day to try to help with things. What are your thoughts on the ginger, I am also gradually going to add slippery elm and marshmellow root to my daily routine. I try to stay from prescription meds if possible. Help!


My Dad passed due to Stomach Cancer, and my Brother was just Diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I’ve developed GIM in last 3 years, and I’ve had a H-Pylori Infection, and took Antibiotics. I’ve also developed Gastroparesis in last 4 years, now it’s severe Gastroparesis. I’ve also have auto immune, where my system is now attacking my system now. I’m borderline Anemia. I get an EGD every 6 months. I have Vitamin D, Iron and B-12 Deficiency, as well . So, what is estimated time frame for a person to Develop Stomach Cancer?
Thank you Dr. Sameer Islam MD.
Best Cindy.


I was wondering what are your thoughts on l glutamine for gut health?


I weighed 170 lb 5 months ago I have lost almost 85 lb I have wondered about this. I've been in the hospital numerous times next week I see an oncologist I want to know what is wrong with my body .🙏 I am terrified I am 5 ft 4 in tall I'm a woman. 🙏🙏


On and off for years, minor stomachache, indigestion, nausea and burping that would come and go.
Eleven days ago everything changed. On that day I was completely fine until 11:00 am. I ate a small amount and started feeling a little unwell. That evening I was so nauseous, I threw up. The next day I felt somewhat better, but just unwell and had some fatigue with minor stomach ache. I made myself an appointment with the doctor a few days later and they did an occult blood stool test. It came back positive. Also my lipase was slightly elevated and going up from a prior blood test from the past two days.
Around day six I developed left side pain that radiates back-and-forth to my left flank area and now I have extreme fatigue and can only walk short distances around the house. I have extreme pressure in my stomach, extreme fatigue, indigestion, malaise and pain that radiates from my side to my flank. Not really stomach ache any more.
I forgot to add that I had a CT scan with contrast of the abdomen, ultrasound of the gallbladder and H-Pylori occult blood test. All came back normal except I have mild non-alcoholic fatty liver.
I have an endoscopy/colonoscopy scheduled in five days. In my mind, I think I have stomach or pancreatic cancer. I’m beyond worried. My mother and grandmother both died of stomach cancer.


I have intestinal metaplasia is this precursor for stomach cancer? Please answer.…Thanks in advance.


NET. comments on neuroendocrine tumors in stomach? These can be operable. PCOS. What treatments are there for high gastric numbers. Acidic? Alkaline? What foods to eat or avoid?
