Do You Abandon Yourself To Not Be Abandoned by Others?

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Abandonment is one of the most painful experiences a person can go through, and to avoid it, many people develop unhealthy coping strategies. The most damaging of these strategies is abandoning parts of ourselves—sacrificing our authenticity in order to maintain connection. In this video, we’ll explore how and why this happens, how it affects our relationships, and most importantly, how to reclaim the lost parts of ourselves. If you’re ready to break free from this cycle and build healthier, more fulfilling relationships, this video is for you!

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👉 Who Is Teal Swan?

Teal Swan is a New Thought Leader and a Bestselling Author who is an expert in human development and relationships. She has over a decade of experience working with people of all walks of life with a mission to reduce human suffering.

Today, she’s also become an International Speaker, having facilitated retreats and life changing workshops in large venues worldwide. Teal was ranked 15th on The Watkins Most Spiritually Influential Living People in 2023.

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Beginning and Ending Song:
Teal Swan Intro by Christian De Raco
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We abandoned ourselves to avoid being abandoned by others but instead doing so we are doomed to be abandoned by others 🥺🥺🥺🥺


I was abandoned by my entire family when my Mum passed. I was 15 years old and my entire childhood was filled with chaos from severe abuse and neglect. I am 46 years old and I can’t allow anyone to get close. I finally let someone in and fell madly in love and he passed away in my presence five years ago. I have been in complete isolation since then I went through a cancer diagnosis and I went through it alone. I’m not a victim however I am so sensitive. Too sensitive. How do you ever trust again to avoid going through this pain and shame. I believe shame is a core belief about ourselves and not an emotion. I am currently doing parts work but because the physical pain associated with the emotional trauma is so severe, my level of functioning is very compromised so I can’t engage in many appointments. I felt working on the somatic aspect is the best way to go. I understand that you may never see this comment but I just had to let it out. Holding on to things cause so much dis ease that I would love to get your take on if I am headed in the right direction. My mission in life’s journey has to help others but at what expense? Thank you so much for covering this. Greatly appreciated ❤


I used to do it all my life because of trauma.
It led me to be surrounded by people I don't even like, Avoidants and abusers.
2 years ago at the age of 30 I find out what I've been doing all my life.
Surprise surprise, I'm not in contact with anyone I was in contact with before I figured it out. Include my family.
Thanks for this episode ❤❤❤❤


"Abandoning parts of yourself so as to not be abandoned by others, is something that nearly everyone in human society does. But it is a one-way ticket to living hell. A life of painful relationships and the building of a life that is not right for you. So, re-own those parts of yourself that you have abandoned and watch those right relationships and that right life for you start to manifest before your eyes". Teal Swan 🌎🙏😘


I was abandoned by my family when I was young and abandonment has been a reaccuring theme in my life


Being abandoned by those afraid to be abandoned themselves hurts!!! Thank you Teal. ❤️🙏🌷


I abandon everyone to avoid abandonment! its the best strategy!


I'm just too intense sometimes for people to be able to handle when they're not used to that 😔


Thanks Teal❣️ I used to abandon my creativity in favour of more logical and practical means of getting by.


My parent pushed all the responsibilities for me onto me. Had abandoned by age 13/14yrs


You are 100% right. People need people. Starting off as a child. Love you so much Teal. ❤


So we do need to love ourselves to increase our chances to be loved by others


4:50 "To reverse this process what you have to do is re-own the aspects of yourself that you have disowned, and by doing so to care take them, and start to think, speak, and make decisions, and act, in their best interest."


My Mom was married 6 times. I would go back and forth from mom and Dad through court systems. I remember saying, i have no clue where my Mom is one time when i was in my teens. My dad married a girl that was only 4 years older than me, we didn't get along, i didn't know why, i do now!
I laugh now!
My best friends Mom took me in and helped me get through high school. Which the school system abandoned me right away, you know dyslexia was a unknown...I remember thinking just yesterday, how the lord always found me away. I just went with the flow, not till lately did i realize how dangerous it is for a child to just go with the flow.
My husband passed 16 years ago and i havent felt safe since. Omg, im still going with the flow because im used to uncertainty. Wtf next?
Looking back, also a realization, that during " drama, im strong as steal but when its over i fall completely apart, i have to learned to whip that because its a memory of what happens during chaos and what happens after. Dont freak out during, release and go...
I guess i can only understand by my experiences of abandonment, we all feel it differently.
I like being alone now. The old saying, if they wanted to be with you they would, comes to mind. Its painful because you always feel unworthy. Im smart enough, i have potential and i love my self and i forgive my self...
And not to mention, when you feel your children have abandoned you, its a knife in that heart. I went through all that to get the same outcome!! Ugh! Painful. Damned if you do damned if you dont!!


Thank you so much for the weekly videos! I look forward to Saturday's!


It’s a blessing to see this video today. I’d been up last night feeling the weight of this very issue😓


Your reasoning and break down of these issues is both lucid and facinating. I wish it were possible to ask a few of the questions that come up while watching but even so an informative and very helpful video. Subscribed.


I tried to be smart, but I lost myself. I don't know what you've been through, but you've managed to be brave and insightful enough. Bravo, and thank you.


I personally like the strength i feel coming from that trauma, it gives me confidence and knowing as a woman that i can succeede alone embodying both polarities and also none, in a way i need it, when i need it and not making such big deal out if it.

Integration of that masculine inner killer and violent predator is a way to go for me, i don't want dependence, or despair for connection anymore, i want it to be a concious choice in that department.


Thank you Teal. This was a very timely message. I am currently working on it and it going very well. Feeling more and more at peace with myself amd proud of myself for holding fast to my boundaries.❤
