Sub Panel Install - Start to Finish - Outbuilding | Shop | Barn | Garage

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In this video I will show you how I wired a Sub Panel in an out building (Barn). You will see everything I did... from trenching in the wire to setting the Sub Panel to wiring the Sub Panel to connecting the wires in the Sub Panel to combining some breakers to make room for a new breaker in the main panel. Most everything from start to finish.
Some may wonder why I only ran 10-2 wire out to the barn. I got 250' of 10-2 wire free (left over from a job) and had it laying around. I don't think I will need more than that in this little barn I built... but if should I ran another 3/4" conduit under ground that I can use.

*Electricity is very dangerous to work with! If you are not comfortable and knowledgeable working with electricity I recommend you consult with and/or hire a licensed electrician to assist with or do your project.
I am not a licensed electrician and produced this video only for entertainment purposes.

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Although I have been following these procedures for many years; I assume no liability for any damage that may occur to any person or property as a result of the information provided in this video. I take necessary precautions (that I am aware of) when working on these projects but that in no way implies or creates any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any kind of particular result. Any injury, damage or loss of any kind to anyone or their property or anything related to information in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Helping U Online (this video).
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That was a perfect and straightforward explanation. I especially appreciated your delineating the gauge differences.


Thanks for this video. I've been looking for one like it that features just wiring the subpanel for 110V using 3 wire. It made sense to me that it could be done, but I still wanted to see someone do it.


You sound exactly like Tom Green, swear I thought he was narrating!!! Thanks for video


You did it excellent explanation of every single detail, thank youuuu for you help and believe or not I just did it outside sub-panel box pausing and playing with you videos, Good bless you and I’m sorry for my english is not to good 👍


I've been working on my food truck electrical since last spring, just found this video and it answered all my questions


Good video. Some people nit pick some details and there could have been some improvements for future use. People fail to realize this is exactly what you needed and it worked. If you wanted to add a hot tub out there you will have a bunch more work but it is a barn. You know what you will use out there what it will entail to add more. Great job.


Great job! Doing the exact same thing this spring : )


great video! thank you for taking the time!


I prob would've used at least a 8/3 JMHO but thanks for the vid!!! Keep up the hard work


Great job. I enjoyed the video. also if you ran 10 3 you could have more circuits in the future but still fantastic job. I appricciate your time.


Balloon framing is used in multiple story structures a garage is standard framing.


I don't understand why you'd run #10 wire to that huge panel.


Seems like an awfully long distance for a 30 amp circuit with 10/2, personally would’ve stepped up to 8/2 for the distance


With a 10-2, you can only use two 15 amp breakers!


i would have put the big break closer to the main. There is no special code for that, reason is because it reduces the average current density in the bus bars inside the breaker panel, and thus the resistive power losses and undesirable heating.


Did you run Romex through conduit?? Are you calling plastic pipe conduit??


Your first beaker isn't gonna pass any electricity because you didn't put power on that buss. If you are only bringing out 120v you should jump the lugs together with a piece of #10 wire if you wanna energize both busses.


one size bigger on the wire or two even would have been better, and being a big barn as u have, I would separate the circuits and put everything on a 20 amp. If you run a fridg or a power tool or something you are going to want some dedicated circuits. Other than that enjoyed watching.


Having the hots at the bottom is a dangerous design for that panel.


Me gustaría saber la lista de lo que voy a necesitar 👍
