AMA: Catholicism w/ Tim Staples | Catholic Answers Live | September 10, 2024

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TOPIC: Ask Me Anything: Catholicism
GUEST: Tim Staples

00:00:00 - Waiting Music
00:00:41 - Introduction
00:06:41 - Is it a good idea to use Acts 9:40 as proof for intercession with the saints?
00:14:06 - What's the difference between, Redemption, salvation and justification?
00:25:40 - What is the state of a person commits a mortal sin, repents, dies but never had a chance to make it to confession?
00:32:37 - How do respond to the claim that since the Rothchilds family donated to the Vatican they have control over it?
00:36:25 - Why did they put baptism ahead of the wedding feast in the luminous mysteries?
00:51:41 - What does it mean to be out of God's grace and that we can’t merit anything for ourselves?
00:55:41 - 5-Minute Break
01:04:07 - What happens to tribes that are not exposed to Christianity?
01:19:02 - I'm a sponsor for a friend in RCIA. He has been donating to a Shriners hospital in honor of his friend. Is this a problem for him as he discerns the faith?
01:29:12 - What mechanism do you have to rationalize today being right compared to the Church being wrong in the past on topics like Geocentrism?
01:37:05 - Why does Mark's gospel not mention Mary’s presence at the crucifixion?
01:45:30 - Why does Jesus have to announce our sins in the final judgment? Does purgatory exist after the final judgment?
Рекомендации по теме

Tim’s answer on the state of one’s soul pre-confession post-repentance was something I did not know and was the MOST helpful answer I’ve ever heard on this show. And I’ve heard a lot of amazing apologetics here, in fact I wouldn’t be Catholic without Catholic Answers. Tim, Jimmy, Trent, Joe, Karlo, and even Cy, love you guys and the entire crew (I know I forgot someone, forgive me!)


32:44 if someone tells you that anyone *donated* anything and now owns something, then that person needs to look up what the word *donate* means.
Here is a good example. I donate a kidney and now I own part of a person.
On Friday I've changed my mind and want it back.
