Steven Wilson - Routine

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"Amongst the hundreds of songs I have written over the years, 'Routine' has a very special place. It's a deeply sad story of loss and denial, but at its conclusion the clouds lift and there is acceptance at least. Having worked with her on 3 previous videos, I knew as soon as I wrote it that it was perfect for Jess to do something amazing with. Even then nothing prepared me for the organic beauty and power of the film she made, a painstaking labour of love that took her months to produce. When we play the song live I look out into the audience and see people swept away with emotion at the combination of music and animation. To find poetry and beauty in sadness is a wonderful thing I think" - Steven Wilson

Directed by Jess Cope

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on 25th of December 2016, my girlfriend, her sister and their father died in a stupid car crash, the only one left is their mother, all alone, this song and video spoke to me on so many levels. It made me cry, made me smile, made think about life in a whole new way. Cherish every moment, enjoy the time spent with your dear ones, for life is extremely fragile. Bless you all


don't ever let go
try to let go

the biggest dilemma...and the worst part of losing someone. you want to move on, get rid of the sadness, think of other things...and at the same time, you don't want to think of anything else but how their presence meant everything to you.


I showed this video to my High School Video Production class. They were very engaged in the way the music worked with the action. When the lady started freaking out, the students were completely glued to the screen. When the camera shows the newspaper heading of the shooting deaths, I paused it, I heard most of the class gasp... and even some were saying, "No!".... I resumed the video.
Afterward, I told them that every video they do should create the same reaction from the audience, whether it be laughter, clapping, covering your eyes, or crying. Such a beautiful piece of art from such a tragic story. This music video is indeed a masterpiece!


I always swear I'll never watch this again. And then I watch it again. F*ck.


This is literally greatest piece of art ever composed. My first listen. Im crying out loud.


"Miserable music makes me happy, and happy music makes me fucking miserable"


Why doesn't this music video get an award for best animated music video of the year? Can anyone explain that to me?


I revisit this song and video just about every time there is a school shooting. 19 children lost this week in Texas... I can't imagine what those poor families are going through 😢


There is more feeling portrayed in this than you would see in a powerful movie without the need of an hour's worth of build up to get you there. The change at 3mins, something's not right, the dawning realisation of what's happened. The level of emotional horror and desolation experienced by the character in this is almost too much to bear. Jess Cope I salute you, you lifted Steven's always superb work to the sublime.


If any of you were wondering. The song is about a women who lost her family due to a school shooting. Because of this, she is going through the 7 stages of grief.


Steven Wilson's the kind of guy, who can make you cry with his music, for a family that you never had.


This is the strongest music video I have ever seen.


I lost my brother when I was 9. It describes perfectly how my mother lived the firs year after. That look brokes my heart even now, remembering how dead and empty my mother's eyes seemed back then. I hope none of you know what I´m talking about...


I'm here because I saw Steven Wilson live in Caracas, Venezuela. I didn't know who he was. Outside the venue, his fans told me he was awesome and they talked to me about his music. I like Rush, Foo Fighters, Stone Temple Pilots, etc. so... I bought a ticket. I was blown away. I'm a fan now.
9gag chúpalo!!!!


I can't imagine the pain the people have endure knowing that someone the loved is no more . I see so many stories in the comment section that it breaks me apart I wish from the bottom of my art that all of them find love and peace again



I have no words to describe this part, except that i was overwhelmed by shivers


I've never heard a song in 5/4 meter be so beautiful and natural sounding


my music taste brought me here. cheers to Steven Wilson and prog music fans!


I've read your comments and i am not in any position to say who is wrong or right. But at the same time I feel this is the essence of why we listen to this kind of music. It's not because we want an easy listening or something to play in the background. The animated film combined with the music gives us an important expericence. We get angry, we get sad, we feel compassion, and in the end, we get the feeling to keep going. Keep washing those dishes, keep up our daily ROUTINE. Don't u think this is what Steven Wilson feels as well? And if we / you feel like this. Isn't it a piece of brilliance from Steven to make us feel that way ?
For me personally this is a song wich combines sorrow, anger, acceptance, compassion. And if a song can make me feel that way, well... Its something to memorize.


Please Steven 🙏🏾 please compose a storyline of how she gets better, i keep returning to this piece somewhere with the hope that things would've worked out well for her. It would be a very uplifting piece and would inspire many. Do give it thought sir🙏🏾 love your work as always.thank you for choosing this path in life
