Woman claims she was removed from Southwest flight at Burbank airport over medical condition

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It sucks but nobody wants to sit next to her. We all wanna be safe.


I caught chicken pox from a man on a train from Reno to Chicago. He told me he had spider bites. I became quite ill two weeks later.


I don’t blame Southwest at all because just yesterday they had a passenger flying with measles and they subsequently had to notify all passengers who sat near the person with measles to get vaccinated or risk getting the disease. So good job SW.


Airlines are doing their best to accommodate the masses. They aren't intentionally giving customers a bad time. Better to be safe than sorry. The woman should've gotten a legal document to prove that her condition won't be an issue.


I honestly would’ve freaked out if she sat anywhere near me (bc of not knowing what procedure she had done) That’s her fault for not being clear about what she had, she is well aware of that, come on!


I Am Not Mad at Southwest Airlines
Precautions is Vital in this time and days
Coming out of a Major Pandemic


[1] Someone should tell Anabel Munoz that she's got something unattractive in her left nostril.
[2] Any airline can remove or refuse service to a customer that is 'unfit' to fly.
(Read the fine print of your ticket.)
[3] Just because someone who is a 'sickie' chooses to risk flying, does that person have the right to potentially inconvenience everybody else on board, when the sh*t hits the fan and the flight now needs to be diverted for an emergency medical landing or HazMat situation? (Nope)
[4] In this case, a passenger has a visible condition that is (as she acknowledges) 'off-putting'.
She tried to hide it (which is being DECEPTIVE).
She plays the victim and says SWA could've/should've handled it better.
[5] Well, I'm glad that SWA took the initiative to protect their other passengers and crew from a potential communicable disease. (Plus, the cost of 'sanitizing' the entire cabin and lobby terminal, because of her selfish desire to go home. How about driving home in your own car and keeping your germs to yourself?)
[6] She could've handled it better.
She could've given SWA advance notice of her medical condition and pre-determined if this would be a problem.
She should've (and did) anticipate that it might be (hence, her deceptive disguise, which doesn't promote 'trust') and had notarized (because, people do forge) medical documentation (re) her fitness to fly.
[7] FYI: Just because your doctor might say you're fit to fly, he doesn't speak for or run the airline.
(They will determine who they want on their planes, because it is their plane.)
(Ever see signs at a business that says, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.")


I would not want to be on the same plane as her. Looking at her no one knows what is going on or if she’s contagious


Totally looks communicable/contagious! 🤷🏻‍♀️


I commend SW for doing its job seriously. SW has a mandate to secure the health and wellbeing of all passengers while on board.


I can't blame people for being worried being around her. Stay home or find some other way, it's not fair for everyone else.


Girl! You look contagious and we don't have time for another pandem*c. I applaud SW for being proactive, we can never be too cautious when it comes to public health. Thanks for educating us on your condition, I hope you now understand the public health concern as well.


Regardless she shouldn't be cleared to fly with open lesions, she was a threat to everyone's health on board and in the airport‼️


she was very entitled - its all about precaution


The fact that she tried to cover her condition, shows she was aware that it may cause an issue. That fact makes me side with the airline, she could have explained the situation and that would have allowed the airline the proper time to make a decision. She tried to slide it by and forced the airline into a quick decision. Since Covid, and monkeypox, people aren't taking any chances, and neither are the airlines. I feel sorry for her, but being upfront in advance would have probably avoided the whole incident.


Oh well she did look sick, how are they supposed to know if she was contagious, I wouldn’t want to sit next to her, I smell a lawsuit 🙄


I understand Southwest's perspective on this issue. Airplanes can indeed be hotbeds for infections. It might have been better for her to wait until her scars were fully healed before traveling, considering her concerns. It's up to the airline to exercise the safest option for all the passengers. She should have exercised better judgment when she put herself in this situation.


Well, what were you thinking getting on the plane looking like that without a medical
Paper. I would worry too.


Look like measles would not let you board my self


With all due respect..You wouldn't have had me sitting next too her.
