How to Defend against a Kick to the Balls

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If you are kicked flush in the groin, that can be a solid strike than can incapacitate you for a moment. It can also make your attacker gain momentum in a street fight.

That said, you really want to avoid getting hit in the groin.

So, how can you defend yourself against a kick to the balls?

You can step out of the way if you see the kick coming. You can also jam it with your leg to prevent the kick from hitting you in the balls.

A great to avoid getting hit in the balls is to toss the leg of your opponent away as you step to the side to prevent from getting hit.

A great way to be able to "read" incoming kicks can be done with practice. Have a self-defense training partner practice throwing these types of kicks as it will help you read the body language of your opponent.

Like any street fight, make sure to have your hands up in a passive stance and be ready for anything and everything.

Always be prepared to strike back with all you've got!

Take care and stay aware of your surroundings.

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Nick Drossos and Patrick V
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better block the legs with legs and hands with hands much easier much more composed....!!!!


This is a risky technique. If the guy fakes a front kick and hits you with a roundhouse to the face it can be lights out. If he switches to a hard sidekick you could get your fingers jammed up and there goes your grappling and striking skills. Getting in the habit of paring kicks like this with your hands is going to get you caught sooner or later.


This was the most helpful thing in the world because I got kicked by a girl at school when I didn’t do anything


Have to disagree, this works for practice kicks but real kicks are powerful and are often with the right leg, the distance part is true but block with your sensitive hands kinda risky

Just go to a fighting stance so your legs aren't parallel and if anything happens block with your shin/knee by simple raising it


Finally a way to stop women from going for the balls in a fight or just to stop them normalising it.


Good video as always! I find it better to block kicks/knees with the blade of the forearm than open palms because I broke my finger once trying to block a knee strike in training. Also at close quarters bringing up a knee and turning quickly at least prevents the full impact. But nothing works if you're not alert and aware.


Thanks for the video, could you do one against round house kicks, low and mid, I always wondered how you should block a powerful kick like that.


this is such a POOR defense if one uses your way of defending the balls guess what happens? if the attacker kicks hard and you try to defend with your hands or even try to dodge with your hands you might save your balls but your will seriously will be hurt/even broken.
the best way to dodge that kind of kick is that take one step back the attacker's leg will be hanging in the air or you can launch forward almost close to his face and start with your jabs. in both scenarios your balls and your hand will be saved.


Thank you my friends kept trying to kick my balls


Wouldn't there be a big chance to hurt the hand if they are kicking full speed and strength? I know in other styles, they'll turn the knee in to protect against a groin strike.


Wouldn't rapidly lifting your knee diagonally towards your center work? It definitely covers your groin and any knees, kicks or punches would be checked (blocked) by your leg below your knee.


very important....I have been kicked there it hurts don't have the same parts BUT it still hurts!


Train to be able to move and pivot at unexpected moments. Just a bit of a pull back or twist can foil a groin kick.
Practice positioning that will check their leg with your leg.
Get used to the impact of kicks that hit other areas around the crotch, so you can effectively respond to imperfect targeting.


Just do a muay thai style leg check with the leg and knee going towards the other leg instead of away from it.


Keeping crossed hands is far better than analysing and swinging kicks to other direction. Your knuckles can recieve considerable damage.


Beyond the pain factor, damage to the penis can leave scar tissue that could cause longer term medical problems. Kicks to this area should be practiced with great caution.


I have a mate that is constantly an ass but only to me and whenever he fights he goes for my balls, it’s just honestly annoying so I’ll take anything that helps


He didn't say "Hey *Guys*" for no reason now🤣🤣🤣


I knew a guy one time who thought it was funny to try to kick somebody in the balls. That's all he talked about, the little SOB.
