How to Make an Offer on a property - for First Time Buyers

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A few extra pointers to go with the introduction and explanation on the web page.

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My 10 cents. You might agree with it or not. Don't negotiate with the agent, negotiate with the seller. Not in person, but through the agent of course. If the seller is willing to accept your initial offer, I doubt the agent is going to jeopardize the sale by trying to convince you to pay more. The seller will be a lot more nervous than the agent. If the agent is pushing you for a higher offer, it's most likely because the seller has asked the agent to do so on their behalf. So you have to read the position of the seller. What did you hear and see when you viewed the property? How long has the property been sitting on the market? If the property has been refurbished, most likely the seller is less likely to budge, to get there ROI. Having a second property you can fall back on puts you in a much stronger negotiating position. Agent X will hate losing a sale to agent Y. And don't dither with decisions because it makes you look weak and unsure. Respond to the agent 10 minutes later, not a day later. Shows you know your game plan. Don't get fixated on one property. The house next door to the one you offered on might come up for sale next week. There's plenty of fish in the sea.


Thank you, Charlie, that's soooo helpful for us as a first-time buyers!


Thank you Charlie. I used your template and had a offer accepted without counter offer! We’re looking forward to move home☺️


Superb template Charlie. I can easily adapt it for a cash buyer. Thanks so much.


Really good thought provoking article. Thanks.


If its subject to a survey then the price can be re negotiated if anything is found in the survey that will cost the buyer money to remedy. Putting in a clause to cover half the costs could mean going to court to get the money, I did years ago and the small claims court did award me the amount in the contract but it took 3 months to get to court.


Hey Charlie, really appreciate this, thank you.


Thanks Charlie, another really informative video. The only thing I'm not sure about is when you talk about offering "the maximum you can afford". This could be clearer as I'm sure you don't mean people to offer more than a property is worth, just because they can afford to.


Unlike the Xmas advert for John Lewis, this is a clear and unambiguous message. I like the sanity clause you back out the costs are know there’s a no sucha thing as the sanity clause 🏠


Should i include in the template that I'm a first time buyer, I will live in the property and I'm not an investor would that help?


What's the costs associated with someone pulling off from the offer?And how much it can go up to?


I can't find the template on mhwc website?


I can't see anything under Videos in your channel 🤔
