Acts 1-2: Is Holy Spirit Tongues For Today?- The REAL Meaning of the Book of Acts Series- Jim Staley

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The book of Acts is the first book of the bible that follows the resurrection of Christ. But are we sure that we really understand the power of its record? It is from this book that we learn how the disciples lived out the very gospel that went before them. The entire foundation of Christianity rests on how we interpret the “Acts” of the disciples. This broadcast is the first in a series of teachings on the book of Acts aimed at exposing the truth of what was really happening in those first few decades after Christ and how we can get back to the power that the first-century Church actually had.

Teachings mentioned during the broadcast:

00:00:00 - A Moment That Radically Changes Your Life
00:11:04 - Identity Theft in the Spiritual Realm
00:21:22 - The Abrahamic Promises and Jewish Blessings
00:32:09 - The History of Israel: From Abraham to Jacob
00:43:00 - The Splitting of the Kingdom
00:54:00 - The Scattered Sheep of Israel
01:04:47 - The Two Tribes and the Ten Tribes
01:15:57 - The Sheep and the Gentiles
01:26:29 - Understanding the Mystery of the Not My People
01:37:09 - The Mystery of Israel's Restoration
01:48:01 - Exploring Ephesians Chapter 2
01:58:53 - The Prophecy of Caiaphas and the Mystery of Israel's Restoration
02:09:51 - The Purpose of the Lamb's Sacrifice and Resurrection
02:20:56 - The Identity of Gentiles in Israel
02:31:47 - The Law of God for All People
02:42:24 - The Prophetic Significance of the Number 12
02:53:44 - Call to God's People

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Have you ever said to yourself, "There's got to be something more?" Well...there is. And this channel is dedicated to just that--the discovery of something more. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he uncovers the true Christian roots of our faith, which find themselves rooted deep inside the Hebraic context, culture, and languages of the Bible.

Going back to the Christian Roots of our faith has freed millions of people around the world from the traditions and doctrines of men, allowing them to truly serve our Creator YHWH in both Spirit and Truth.

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Рекомендации по теме

I want more of the holy Spirit. Holy Spirit baptise me...Amen


I want more of the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit baptize me. Write your word upon my heart let your light shine through me in all that I do in your will, in your spirit in your truth and in your power. Amen.


1212am 7/13/24 i want more of Ruach, immerse me again oh YHVH!! Greater insight & fire of Yah thank You Abba in Yahshuas Name!! Ruach Ha Kodesh fill all those in this thread seeking & call out to You Abba!! Shalom shalom


Abba fill me with Your Holy Spirit I want You more come Holy Spirit I need You.


I want more of the HOLY SPIRIT. HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISE ME right now. I’m getting rid of my wet suit 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


I want more of you Holy Spirit, baptist me Amen


I want more of the Holy Spirit !! Baptize me.


Holy spirit baptize me in the name of Yeshua amen🙏🏻


I want more of the Ruach Ha-Kodesh.
Ruach Ha-Kodesh baptize me.


The scripture saids that the enemy entered Judas. Then he had greed, deception, betrayal and disbelief of the Messiah as the enemy entered him. Saying Judas is in someone because they are trying to figure things out isn’t Judas inside of someone. I could see if a person is struggling with deception, disbelief of the Messiah, being dishonest, full of greed, or betrayal, they would have the same sins of Judas’; but not if they’re trying to figure things out.

The scriptures saids to pray for those who have sins that do not lead to death, and that there are sins that lead to death. Research

John’s baptism was without the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Messiah gave the commandment to be immersed after he arose Mark 16:15-16; Peter preached the gospel (1Cor 15:1-5) in Acts 2:16-47 and 3000 obeyed the gospel and were added on that day. All 9 conversions in the book of Acts included water immersion, they obeyed the gospel to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And to the one who was immersed under John’s baptism was rebaptized in Acts for he obeyed the gospel and received the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Also read 1 Pet 3:21

His plan of Salvation is clear.
I’ll be praying for you, friend, not mad but I do believe you are in error. You are adding some things that are not correct.


They called him Yahushua, not Yeshua. And yes, that detail is important. Do not forget the name of the one and only Elohim of Yisrael by hiding YAH


I wonder about if we will know? The generation that is here when he comes? 🤔Knowing is Gods characteristics in scripture. Noah knew the time, in 7 days. Abraham knew the time of Isaac. Joseph and Mary knew the time Of Jesus. John the Baptist knew the time of Jesus! We are to watch and pray. We are watching for something. The disciples were suppose to pray before the crucifixion. Jesus told us what it would look like! Revelations tells us more! The prophets told us more! I think the watch men will know his coming. Not the exact day, but they can sense the storm coming! He's coming!


Jim Staley explores the Book of Acts from a Hebrew perspective, emphasizing the foundational role of the Holy Spirit and the original Jewish context of early Christianity, while urging a return to authentic biblical practices.

- Emphasizing the significance of the Book of Acts as the foundation of faith}
- Stressing the essential role of the Book of Acts in establishing the Ecclesia and disciples' teachings}
- Exploring the Book of Acts from the original Hebrew and Jewish perspective}

- The Feast of Shabot and its significance in the reinauguration process.}
- The concept of a new priesthood, the Malitzic priesthood, combining 'melik' (King) and 'sadik' (Righteous).}
- The pattern of priesthood seen in the Tanakh (Old Testament) reflecting the Heavenly realm.}
- The reinstitution of the temple system with a higher priesthood led by Yeshua as the high priest.}

- Greek manuscripts preserved due to destruction of Hebrew texts in Jerusalem}
- Discovery of Hebrew manuscripts like Matthew challenging traditional views}
- Reinterpreting baptism from a Hebrew cultural context}
- Understanding the significance of Mikvah in Jewish culture}
- Upcoming teaching on baptism and the power of water at the Feast of Tabernacles}

- Encouragement to seek more of the Holy Spirit for transformation}
- Emphasis on the Holy Spirit as the foundation of faith}
- Transformation and empowerment through the Holy Spirit}
- Promise of receiving power through the Holy Spirit}
- Preparation for a controversial revelation based on the word of God}

- Vision of two olive trees with golden oil drains}
- Manora lampstand with two olive trees symbolizing the Northern and Southern Kingdoms}
- Connection of the two houses of Israel through Christ}
- Truth and light from Judah and Ephraim uniting as the light of Israel}

- Feeling weak is actually a position of strength}
- Description of the day of Pentecost/Shavuot and the events that transpired}
- The filling of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues}
- Significance of the Holy Spirit appearing in ancient Israel}

- The disciples were condemned to death by the law they broke}
- Jews from every nation gathered and were amazed to hear the disciples speak in their own language}
- Israelites from every tribe and tongue came to celebrate the Feast of God}
- The disciples spoke in a Heavenly language that was understood by all}

- Emphasizing the importance of receiving the power of God for transformation}
- Contrasting being superficially wet with truly being transformed by the Holy Spirit}
- The continuous transformation and saturation by the Holy Spirit in one's life}
- Being a sign and representative of God's power and wonders on earth}


I most certainly want more of the Holy Spirit! Indeed I pray the Holy Spirit would baptise not only myself but everyone who needs him. Amen!


Heavenly Father revealed to me that some people heard babbling because their heart wasn't humble/repentant - these are the tares/hunters. The wheat/fishers heard the Apostles speaking in their own native language because their heart was humble/repentant. Believers vs unbelievers.


I am not sure I agree with you that the Chosen is a Biblically correct portrayal. I understand there is a collaboration between Mormons, Catholics, and a Rabbi, who were consulted, at least on the first season. When the Rabbi entered the home of the women possessed, he prayed a Catholic prayer.. I don't know of any first century Rabbi's who would do that. Now if we are talking entertainment then sure, it might be interesting to watch. Also, I have heard Rabbi's teach that Yeshua was born on Feast of Tabernacles, and in the Month of Nissan on Passover. Rabbi Greg Hershberg the former and Johnathan Cahan on the latter. Why is there never consensus or unity around the Bible and how to correctly interpret it? It seem every person has an opinion of what is right. How can the Kingdom of God be divided against it self?


Holy spirit baptize me in the name of Yeshua'


I want more of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Yeshua!


I have been baptized with Holy Spirit but want more of Him! ❤


Since a near death accident where Jesus came to me, I have been burning with a mission to learn the truth of our Saviour's messages, life and how to follow Him as best as I can. The holy spirit lead me to your channel and I am full of gratitude for your teachings. I crave to hear more and wish you could post daily.

Thank you brother and God bless.
