Kripke and the Causal Picture of Names

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Saul Kripke and the Causal Picture of Names
Kripke and the Causal Picture of Names
Week 6, Kripke: The Description Picture vs the Causal Picture
Week 6, Kripke: Arguments for the Causal Theory
Kripke on Proper Names
Week 6, Kripke: Overview
Kripke on Rigid Designators
Kripke's Necessary, A Posteriori Statements
Causal Theories of Reference for Proper Names
Kripke on the Descriptive Theory of Names
Naming and Necessity Revisited - Prof. Saul Kripke
Let's Read! Saul Kripke, 1970, Naming and Necessity
Lecture 20: Kripke
PHL2001 Goldman's causal theory
Kripke and Skeptical Solution
Gareth Evans on the Causal Theory
Kripke on Essential Properties
Week 6, Kripke: The Description Theory in Full
Filippo DOMANESCHI: Testing the causal theory of reference
Causal theory of reference
Kripke e o paradoxo de Wittgenstein
Kripke's Necessity of Identity
Frege’s Puzzle and the New Theory of Reference – Quine, Marcus, and Kripke
Kripke's Naming and Necessity: the second half of the first lecture, more or less