Oral History - Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

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In this interview with the National Law Enforcement Museum, former Secret Service Agent Clint Hill covers his early childhood, his time in the army, joining the Secret Service, and his career serving under Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford. Highlights of the interview include his firsthand account of the assassination of President Kennedy, protecting Mrs. Kennedy the year after the assassination, and subsequently his account of finally healing from the PTSD he had carried with him for decades after the assassination.
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Dear Mr. Hill, I believe President John Kennedy is proud of you and is eternally grateful for how you served his family and your country. One day all will be revealed and all will be made right. I thank God to live in a country with people like you. 🇺🇸🕊 Thank you for sharing your life and heart with us. God will bless you, brother.


A man thrown into the spotlight, who has come to grips with his place in American history. Thanks for uploading this video, because just as Jackie's pink dress, Mr Hill's words belong to all future generations of Americans, so they too can bear witness. Those of us that were alive back then, remember it like yesterday... that horrible day in 1963...


What a marvelous man. He is not just a victim of circumstances beyond his control but also a victim of the strength of his character. Fifty-five years later and you can still see the sadness in his eyes. God bless you Clinton Hill. If we only had more people like you in government today.


a true Gentleman who did his best on that fateful day. Can ask for nothing more.


What a wonderful hero! He is cut from a different cloth: dignity, devotion and complete dedication to his work. God bless you, Mr Hill ♥️🙏🏼🌹💐


Dear Mr. Hill,
You are truly an American hero! I thank God for the Secret Service and all the other law enforcement personnel who courageously and unselfishly put themselves in harm’s way to protect and defend us and those who serve us in political office. May God continue to bless America!
P.S. I urge and encourage you to let go of any guilt you may be still be harboring for failing to save the life of President Kennedy. Surrender that to God who is our refuge and our strength and trust His inscrutable will!
With deep respect and gratitude,
Pamela Nedd Larson


A very well spoken man! You can tell truth, integrity, and loyalty, means everything to him. A national treasure as well as a national hero! Thank you Mr Hill for your service and your courage! You exemplify who and what a hero is....


Clint Hill is a living Legend. I will be devestated when he passes.


The single best speaker I have ever seen. I live in Birmingham, Alabama but he was speaking in Atlanta, Georgia. My daughter went with me, she was in 5th grade, and my fiancé who is now my husband who is a cop tagged along too. We wanted to see him because we knew his Kennedy history but he was touring “Five Presidents” so it ended up being so much more than what we expected. He had amazing stories! He was wonderful! I have a photo of him with my daughter.. I wish you could reply with just photos. It was amazing to meet someone who has touched so much history.

She’s in high school now and every time they tell about the Kennedy assassination she brings in that photo, her signed book, and her stories about meeting THE Clint Hill. We love him so.


He is with great detail recalling events of almost 60 years ago! Absolutely incredible at his age!


No intention to be political. The Special Agent could give a few pointers in memory to our current president.
His birth mother would be amazed and proud. What an incredible memory. I am in awe of his ability to recall.


Clint Hill. I have known of him since I was a kid, I was 5 years old and lived in Irving, Texas, about 13 miles from the Texas School Book Depository when JFK was assassinated. Mr. Hill is a true hero in every sense of the word. Thank you for capturing his unique view of history.


Mr Clint has been such a wealth of info!.. True tales of histories events from people like Clint allow a window in time unlike any other. We're so lucky to have him. ❤️


This man was drilled by wonderful people in how to to be the best you can be…and he did that…and he still felt he had failed. Here was a man who never got to spend time with his family because he did NOT fail to do his duty. What more can any nation, political party, or citizen ask of another human being. Thank you Mr. Hill a million times over.


God bless this gentleman. He served as well as could be expected on that terrible day, and during his distinguished career.


Mr Hill, I really enjoyed your honest assessment of you life and professional experience . You are an American hero .


What a wonderful video interview of an American hero. God bless you Agent Clint Hill. My admiration for this man is immense. 🇺🇸🙏🏻


Fascinating and humble man who dedicated his life to public service.I can’t recommend his autobiography strongly enough.


So much respect for this My sincerest hope for him is to find peace and He has undaunted courage


Agent Clint Hill is an authentic American hero. His written memoir, "The Kennedy Detail, " is a fascinating recollection of his service to this nation. This interview is a magnificent compliment to that book.
