Disease Management

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In this week's vlog, I answer a question that pretty much everyone asks at some point along their Bright Line Eating journeys. I bet you'll be able to relate, so watch now to hear what the question is and my thoughts about it.

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Hi, I just went to see a new endocrinologist this past week. She was the first professional I've seen that knew about Bright Line Eating and suggested that I commit to it. Of course, I told her I had read the book earlier this year and just bought the cookbook recently, but I hadn't really committed to trying BLE. The description of food addiction being a disease speaks to me. It fits with my experience thus far. After watching this vlog, I think this is a sign that I really need to try it, give it a 100% effort, and start thinking about my health in a different way. I don't want to be one of those people that dies too young from the consequences of my bad choices.


I love you too Suzan, this video is brilliant! Such a wisdom .. Thanks for holding my hand through these cold and temptating days ..


The Holidays Sparkle So Much BRIGHTER✨with BLE
Love Emily August💖Beautiful Soul Beautiful Journey💖
Wonderful Vlog the Science always amazes me🤩
Definitely Addicted definitely a Disease!
BLE continues to change my life since 8/17
So thrilled to be HAPPY THIN AND FREE💖⭐️💫


Thank you Susan... God bless you... I'm so thankful, I can't find words to express that, maybe because English isn't my mother tongue☺....


to me, this is the best video I have ever watched related to my BLE journey


Wow, woman! You’re in my head again. Self-disclosure/confession: this past week has been a cluster! I have eaten off plan and indulged in a bit of everything. Today, ONE WEEK after Thanksgiving, I finally threw the last of the refrigerated leftovers away, but decided to pack the last of the sausage stuffing with some gravy on top for my lunch tomorrow. I mean, why not? It still looked okay. It tasted fine when I slammed a couple bites in my mouth. Oh, I was going to bring a apple too, because that’s virtuous, right? And as you were talking, or rather, as I was hearing what you were saying here in this chat with me, I was convicted of the disgusting choice I had made. I was choosing to make my body the garbage can for that food. That NMF! So, half way through watching this vlog, I paused you (I hope you weren’t offended 😉) and pushed that stuff into the garbage disposal! My body isn’t a garbage can!!! Thank you. I may not execute my plan perfectly 100% of the time, but I will celebrate every victory. And this was definitely one. I love you too!💖💐


Your example of the doctor conversation is a reality for me. This was a great vlog and a whack aside the head for me. (Better I listen because I know from experience the next whack is made with a bigger stick) Thanks again for holding up a mirror. For all who read this the part of starting over is soooo true. I second what Susan says about difficulty of resetting BLE. Been there and done that. Gratefully I have been able to get up after falling off. I haven't gone back even close to October 2015 weight. Thanks again Susan.


Hi Doc, I’m new to BLE (along with my husband) and I’m feeling conflicted about this topic because though I am absolutely loving how I feel on three meals a day, no sugar or flour, etc. I feel deeply sad about never having birthday cake with my sons, or a truffle at Yuletide, etc.

I didn’t have a problem with my weight until I was pregnant with my first son (he’s 6 now) and I had hyperemesis gravidarum, I had it again, worse, with my second pregnancy.

My docs kept telling me to “eat frequent smaller meals, ” but nothing stayed down, and nothing helped during pregnancy.

After my babies were born (each time) I gained 30 pounds, because while nursing, I was told again, “smaller meals, more food.”

I’ve realised that the entire four year total experience from my first pregnancy, until my babies weaned, I had been teaching myself to overeat... because that’s what the medical professionals in my life told me to do!

I did not have a history of overeating before my babies were born, and my hope for myself, is that I will find my way, and if moderation is possible down the road— sharing 1/2 a truffle twice a year, etc. Then great. If not, if that leads to negative/disordered eating and snacking, then at least I already know I have the safety and consistency of Bright Lines to return to.

I am currently trying to take things one day at a time; no “forever, ” anything, but though I have deep gratitude (and am consulting both of your books daily, which is enjoyable) sometimes I feel like a freak, as though I am broken, and abnormal.

I want to thank you for all you do, and the time you spend helping people. I e-mailed your team about that, and I felt compelled to share and reach out again.


When you eat the doughnut, that might just be denial. or habit or rebelling or just plain tiredness or addiction. The culture in this country that promotes the standard American diet and judging others' behavior is hard to deal with if you're sensitive to outside influences or others' opinions.


I love you, but you need to fire your stylist.
