Do I Recommend Colon Cleansing?

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we already know that most doctors would speak against this because doctors and big pharma would make less money, everyone that I know who has gotten one including myself, colon cleanse has changed our lives for the better. People these days are advocating for their own health, WHY because they are sick of being sick and sick of medications not helping and of course lets don't forget the cost . People are starting to wake up


A healthy diet with plenty of water, exercise and probiotics can help correct some digestive issues. In the case of severe constipation where even an ER hospital visit might not help, then a colon hydrotherapy session by an expert may be beneficial. But overdoing colon cleanses and laxatives can wreck havoc on your entire system and can make previous problems even worse. So everything with moderation and care.


I’ve had my family do a cleanse and they’re perfectly fine. You just have to do everything correct and make sure everything is clean and have the right person to do it so you don’t have any risk of nothing that’s all because I’m quite sure that if you need a heart transplant and you want to live, you know that that surgery has a lot of risk but you go forward to do it because you want to live even though there’s chances that you can die, but how many people have had a heart implant lots and lots of people so whatever to this video.!


Colon clean it great, with water it’s absolutely fantastic, yes it’s good ! For you I have been doing it for years and absolutely love 💕 it lost weight your body will absorb vitamins and minerals better ! 😅


This is just somebody's opinion. This guy saying this don't make it fact. He didn't link us to scientific studies done on this subject to support his claim. My opinion? So much stuff gets stuck in the colon and should be cleansed with the master cleanse/lemonade diet


Since centuries the optimal manner for a bowel cleansing will be taking castor oil. Remember that castor oil is the only laxative that will not work in the intestines by irritating them, but by activating and synthesizing certain substances in the human body. So any habituation of the human body or diminishing laxative effect is absolutely impossible and castor oil is suitable in a special manner for chronic constipation. Take 1 tablespoon (15 ml) castor oil early in the morning on an empty stomach; in the case of a severe constipation eventuelly later a second tablespoon castor oil.


Are you talking about a colonic? Or are you talking about like an oral agent for a colon cleanse?


At least give us an alternative please


Colon cleansing can be done naturally by consuming Castor Oil in empty stomach also. Drinking hot water every morning and after a while go for bowel movement. Have lots of fibre rich food, water and fruit juices.


I’ve had good results with taking DGL and Berberine after my meals.


Try one for yourself. Doctors dont like remedies that they dont make money from.


Tik tok started a fake trend with some 15 day cologne challenge


I always thought that it wasn't safe. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.


Wow I'm so glad I saw this before I bought.


Okay then if the colon doesn’t need cleaning then explain why we as men 45 - 50 Especially African American men goto the doctor for a colonoscopy??? And before we go see the doctor we first have to take this terrible tasting medicine which has us running to the 🚽 every minute on the minute until our colon is completely clean. 🤔🤔🤔


what do your sir recommend, as a natural good food for healthy Colon?


I have always had bowel issues even as a baby and laxatives and fiber supplements never work. I used bathroom maybe 4 to 6 times a month I'm will to try this


Ok how do I solve my problem I have trying everything and I'm still hear stuck and constpatied


Try colone hydro, then lets hear again
