Partial or Focal Seizure in a Chihuahua

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Mine is now doing this and we’re not sure of the cause just yet. This video is very helpful and rare, so thank you for posting. I hope this adorable chi is healthy and well ❤️‍🩹


This is surreal to watch because my chihuahua just made the same movement with the paw up, thanks for posting this


mine experiences these exact seizures! thank you for posting <3


In small dogs, this is more of a glycemic episode, where they have spent all their energy and they need immediate nutrition. There are products such as Nutrical that are for this, it is high calorie gel and it has been a life saver. I have dealt with this for many years for I have had many Pomeranians for 20 years. It is more common in small dogs and after they have too much play time or energy spent. Micro puppies can literally run themselves to death. If you have a hyper active dog, stressful household or if your dog gets too much play time attention it is best to keep them in a confined area they can’t run around in.

My Pomeranian gave birth to 5 small puppies 9 weeks ago, they are beyond energized, playful, and love running as fast as they can, I have to limit their very active play time to ten minutes, 2-3 times a day.
Even then I have to keep a close eye and catch a seizure before it happens or progresses.

Vets have told me that they do not feel pain when this happens however one of the pups has cried when he had one,
They seem scared and in pain.

I have a few Diffrent high calorie gels because the dogs taste preferences.
If the dog likes the taste it will be that much easier giving it to them. If the dog refuses to eat it on its own or it’s jaw is shit tight, force feel with syringe or finger. Never have I experienced a dog biting me when doing this for they are locked up and stiff, but be smart and finger feed the gel if the situation is safe.

I hope this helps someone, I have yet to find a video that shares this vital info.


Hola! Mi chihuahua hace un tiempo empezó con los mismos síntomas y tomando un poco de información y viendo videos descubrimos que es una enfermedad llamada discinesia paroxistica


That poor dog. Hope he’s ok. We had to our little chihuahua down last week on Friday. We miss her.


Our Bichon mix also has what look like these. But what separates what she has from an actual seizure is she is completely aware of her surroundings and me. We have noticed that getting a treat pulls her out of it, (she is extremely food driven) and within in a couple of minutes she is walking normally.


My little chihuahua does similar at the beginning of her seizures
Her little paw goes up and lays on side but her back legs curl up. She has had cluster more frequently so we started on meds yesterday 💔


My lab just did this but he didn't fall he stood up hunched over while shaking but he knew I was their he was wagging his tail trying to get me to pet him but I was trying to get him to lay down and calm down. Me and my brothers got him to lay down and he stopped and calmed down and was completely fine after he ate a hotdog😂


Not a damn thing funny about this. Why are two people laughing?


That chihuahua is so cute
Hopefully the dog doesn’t have a fatal seizure


My chihuahua had the same thing happen yesterday… left cheek got crunched up on his left side, left paw/leg got stuck in the air like this video and he was half stuck and looked scared but was still super aware it was super confusing snd scary, after 5 mins ~ he went back to normal


My 13 year old diabetic chihuahua started doing the same thing about a year ago. She also looses control of her bladder.


My dog does exactly this, and is a Chihuahua too. And my vet wanted to get him in medications. It doesn't happen often and I don't know what to do


My dogs seizure starts similar to this. But after she falls over she Orchers her backCarrie Putting her head way back and lets out a yell. Afterwords she seems groggy and timid


My chihuahua does this kind of but whenever there is a loud noise or when she’s scared


Awww sha baby. I feel bad for that pup. Im researching to see why my Chihuahua every once in a while does something similiar. He will look like he is in a trance like state but slightly shivering, while his tounge sticks a little further out than it usually does. It takes him quite a while to snap out if it. Any help on what i could do to get him help for this or at least soothe his mental state at the time.


Hello, my dog has exactly same episodes but the vet insist that it's paroxysmal dyskinesia (Cecs)? It's exactly the same type of episode, the rising front paws, everything.


My beaglepoo has done this since 10 months old...onset of puberty


My 60 pounds dog did this today. He started limping on his right arm and started tensing up as I held him. I checked his airway and found no obstruction. He managed to move 10 meters to go upstairs and uncontrollably defecate (He was literally flipped horizontally and pooped a piece). I got in a call with my sisters and she said it was a heat stroke, but after seeing this video, it would make more sense if it was a seizure instead. (I been looking for a similar symptom that my dog underwent, thank you)
