Focal Seizures with Impaired Awareness

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Depiction of a focal seizure with impaired awareness (formerly focal dyscognitive or complex partial seizures) and how to respond.

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I love how she responded to this. I recently had to pull my daughter from regular classes to online because the staff either didn't care or didn't understand. One "administer" clapped in her face and slammed a water bottle on her desk. Another complained she wouldn't finish her work if she had help. Before she was diagnosed last month she was having multiple seizures a day which was greatly impacting her ability to complete tasks. I wish more people were like the lady in this video


When my seizures first started, there were different types, and not everyone told me what they'd witnessed. This was one type I'd have liked to know was happening, so I could report it to the neurologist. I started to wonder about comments in meetings such as, "and she's back. " Nobody told me until years after leaving work that I was having this type of seizure, among others. So if you witness this, please tell the patient.


Absolutely brilliant presentation especially demonstrating how an adult who has this condition can reassure others & maintain their dignity


I like that he didn't say sorry bc it's nothing he could control


so accurate. This is pretty similar to my focal seizures. I actually showed this video to a colleague recently as a way of preparing them for how to respond.


One thing I’ve learned is that sometimes these seizures can affect memory. The person may have a period of time after the seizure (maybe between 10 and 30 minutes) where they will not form new memories. Consequently they may not be aware that they’ve had a seizure at all. It may be useful to record when the seizure happened and how long it lasted. Then check in with them 30-60 minutes later to see whether they know about the seizure.


Follow the advice. Also, when they come out of it, reassure them they are OK. Don’t hold back on telling them what happened. Please. Once, someone refused to tell me what happened and it really got me upset (on top of that all happening).


Obviously this omission a simulation, but that is almost identical to how my mom reacts and handles my focal point seizures (according to my sister!) I have multiple types of seizure, but for the focal ones, she’s just as calm as encouraging like this, even though I can’t really hear her. Obviously she has to react differently to my Tonic Clonic seizures, but the one thing that doesn’t change (unless it’s a major episode or I’m injured and need emergency care, which is fairly rare) is that when I “come to” (from the focal point seizures) or get more aware after the postictal state after my TCs, she always puts her hand on my cheek, smiles, and says “Hey! Welcome back!” like I just dozed off for a moment. Her being so amazing, strong, and positive is one of the biggest reasons I’m able to handle the fear and stress of intractable and frequent seizures. She’s honestly my angel! On another note, I had a TC seizure while my mom, my little sister, and I were waiting for the bus once. It wasn’t too bad of one (at least compared to some I’ve had) but others waiting nearby kind of freaked out. One woman shrieked (my sister’s words) for someone to call 911, which my mother refuted and calmed the woman down, but my sister absolutely went off on a teenage boy who pulled out his phone and started recording and narrating what was happening; not to help or anything, but as if I was a circus freak and he wanted to post the next viral video! My sister very angrily yelling at him and blocking his camera’s view put an end to the recording, thankfully, but my mom scolding (and slightly shaming) him in front of his friends, thought NOT on video or anything, just a firm “Why would you try to get a video of my daughter sick and hurting? For views? Please, explain why this is funny or cool to see? What would your parents think?” got him to delete the short amount of footage he took and he apologized to me, even though I don’t remember it. I am truly lucky to have such good support during my seizures!


I didn’t know I was having them until my friend witnessed me having one. I Just thought I was tired and therefore blanking out. I pretty much feel normal after it. It’s before it that I feel strange


I have been dealing with this for a while now, but now as a healthcare worker, it’s even more important that I face my own health problems. This is one of them. Too often do I find myself stumbling for a seat, or a place to lean, my mind a blank as I am struck with a sudden blow of confusion over all senses. No matter what I do, I eat well, sleep well, etc., it creeps up on me and I’m not lost of all sense but I might just as well be. I mean I really am grateful that of all the times, I haven’t fallen and hit my head. I’ve seen the horrible outcomes. It makes me wonder if I’m simply anemic or if it’s something more. The repeated movements, the loss of spacial awareness, the disassociation, the inability to speak. It’s quite jarring, and I hate it


I wish there was always someone to help like this. I once fainted because of a seizure. Two or three people helped me up, but before I fully recovered, they were all gone.


LOVE IT! So helpful and gives a good idea how to navigate waiting out the post ictal disorientation


So, that's what it looks like. 30 years of the same and I kind of get an idea how, I appear to others.
Answers a lot of questions, that friends and family have tried to describe.


Thank you for these videos. I just found out my son may be prone to focal seizures and it's really important for me to know what signs to look for.


After 5 years together, my wife suddenly just started having these. She was having them for two weeks before telling me and today she came clean about. She had one as she was telling me about it and it freaked me completely out.


My girlfriend has seizures similar to these. She can even talk in a very basic way, she can say yes or no, but when asked anything specific like “What day is it?” she’ll just smile and giggle.

It’s kind of like a little girl takes over.


We experience it everyday with my sibling.... really pray everyone who goes through this has recovery 🙏🙏


Very well done, quick and to the point
Thank you


Thank you for this video, I hope it's still the same for us who have no memory of it happening and no memory of the conversations immediately after, my work colleagues have been super supportive since 1 has a daughter and another a sister with a similar condition. For the last 2 years I had no idea what this was and was told stress and anxiety, but after working on these, the fugue states just kept getting worse! Finally have a diagnosis that makes sense and on the right track, thank you.


Thank you for this. Family member has epilepsy after traumatic brain injury, but in denial. Has a lot of focal seizures. Good to know what to look for.
