What is a BJJ Purple Belt?

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Rick Ellis answers the question: What is a purple belt.
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In 3 days i demonstrate for my PURPLE so nervous and excited at the same time 56yr old and NOT stopping ❤


I'm 53, 5'5" and took a 15 year break after getting my blue belt. I just got my purple belt and at about 19:40 give or take a few seconds I started breaking down. Everything you said here is so true, I'm just so used to being a blue belt that it is surreal seeing a purple belt now. I'm chasing brown like a mad man. Like you said, it's a journey. Thank you Sir


I took me to get my purple, and I'm glad they made me wait and earn it. My own game is really taking form and I love learning putting all that I've learned into different ways.


I come back to this video regularly so I summarized it with timestamps:
Things you need to do to go from Blue Belt to Purple Belt.
3:10 Fundamental Shift in mindset, going from one-dimensional approach to multiple dimensions
4:42 Mentality of a Black Belt in the approach to Jiu Jitsu, just lacking experience
5:56 Master the stuff you know instead of gathering more and more information
6:26 Flow Chart out your game
7:55 Defense, also Flow Chart out your game in terms of Defense
9:06 Momentum, both in the usage and linking of techniques as well as Balance shifts and Energy Expenditure
12:30 Effective use of Legs


Ive been training almost 5 years, blue belt for three. My last school did belt testing and I was disappointed when I didn’t pass. Coach told me he could give me a purple belt and noone would question it anywhere I went, but he wasn’t sure I was the purple belt version of myself yet. He saw something I did not and I trusted in him … well, then I moved with work, started at a new school, got injured, don’t really feel connected to this new school yet, and just feel exactly like you said in the video - like im kind of in a rut, can’t see the forest through the trees. This video is exactly what I needed. Thank you for this wisdom.


Been a purple belt for a little over a year. Sometimes I’m playing chess sometimes I’m playing tic tac toe 😂


I just received my purple today. After two and a half years at blue. I was honored by having mine awarded in the presence of Gustavo Pieres. What is being said here is very true. My difficulty was my mindset that I needed to know every defense for every possible attack and then be able to counter it. I had a paradigm shift about six months ago where I went from technique seeking to the flow seeking, the momentum shifts…It changed my approach a good bit. The little changes and shifts started to come easier and stick. Love the message that this video gives. 🙏🏼🙏🏼


I finally reached a point where I'm not caring as much about achieving Purple. My new gym doesn't award stripes after Blue belt and it's helped dial in why I'm here; to improve. Not wondering if I'll be getting the next stripe has cleared the fog and allowed me to focus on my game... not fixated on the next belt, but focus on fixing holes and learning from failures and just becoming a better practitioner. The next thing I know I'm getting tapped less, achieving new levels of calm, and evolving. I'll get Purple when my Professor thinks I'm there, and will be awesome, but not fixating on a Purple piece of cloth is triggering unexpected growth. Rad

Thanks for the wisdom, Professor. 🤘


I just received my purple belt at the end of year graduations this past Saturday. I received my blue belt in April 2018. However, since then there have been many things that have created bumps in the road on my BJJ journey. But now, after moving with my family to a new country, starting a whole new career from scratch, finding an amazing new gym, and being able to train consistently for this past year, I feel I am really beginning to find my feet in BJJ. I don't quite feel I have impostor syndrome, as I can (sometimes) keep up with all the higher belts, and feel a distinct difference in how I analyse and handle a roll compared to lower-mid blues, so a new purple seems to be the sweet spot. But I do feel that there are still many areas to improve and build upon. I was surprised that I was promoted, but maybe I was promoted to show that I am at that level and now I need to live up to it as the belt that is now around my waist is showing that to the world, no hiding behind my old tattered blue belt anymore! So excited and emotional for the purple belt journey!


Purple belt: I can watch some weird move on YouTube a couple times and hit it on a white belt or 1/2 the blue belts tomorrow. 😂


So glad you’re back and sharing your knowledge and insight with us. As a newish white belt this content is a bit down the road for me but keeping these concepts in mind will help me train with purpose when the time comes.


Well said. I found this spot on in how my journey from blue to purple is going. 4 years so far and still feels so far off in so many ways. Another great video by Rick here.


I’m 47 and I’m a new purple. It’s the most intimidating part of my journey so far. There are upper blues that are coming with mad purpose for you. There are often only two thoughts to training. Some professors want you to win every roll. Some professors want you trying new things… without tapping. There are 3 stripe white belts that are, young and strong, and might catch a purple if the purple is trying new things.
I’d rather play with new ideas and tap to lower belts… but that is a huge sin to most professors. Purple is about taking more chances. Win or lose.


Thank you Rick for the video, great information as always, I appreciate your effort, always pushing us forward👍. I just received my purple belt a week ago, I'll be 55 in three months. I've been training since 2017, minus a year and a half off the mats during covid and other setbacks. My advice is to stop thinking about being promoted, just focus on getting better, want to get better, improve and improve more. Improving a little everyday makes a huge difference over time. Be consistent, get to class! A minimum of 3x a week, more if possible. "Trust the process" is what my professor says. Next thing you know, you'll be a purple belt. 💯


I'm 43, and getting ready for an upcoming belt test as I look to move up to purple belt. I really appreciate this perspective. Recently started looking into flow charting and it's definitely valuable. It's really helped me see multiple movements and techniques when they start to appear in live rolling. As an older guy I have so much respect for your willingness to share your journey in an honest way.


Thanks Rick. I had the pleasure of meeting and rolling with you at Hero Academy. This is a great guide and affirms the things i have dine well and things i need to improve on as a brand new purple belt


Thank you professor. I'm a blue belt currently having a pretty hard time. This video gave me some insight into my journey. I really am focusing on a one dimensional level and need to expand my perspective. Again thanks for the insight.


Thank you for interacting with your subscribers and listening to what they say, it really means a lot and I know we all appreciate your videos and content that you put out.

I think it’ll be good to finish this series with a brown belt and a black belt video if you can 🙏💯

Again thank you for your knowledge and for creating this channel. Really means a lot!


appreciate the video, moving to purple belt at 51, been a journey, I like how u indicated another mindset and be obsessed, I need to dive into that more. thanks again.


I want to thank you for your videos.

I have been training Bjj since 2009 . Im currently a 1 stripe blue. I have had a crazy journey. This passed year I definitely felt like I hit the blue belt blues.

After discovering your videos, it help me get through those blues. I have changed my game up and been having more fun then ever in my journey.
Thank you.
