What does it take to be a blue & purple belt? #ajj #jiujitsu

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Being able to beat a larger person is one of the coolest prerequisites


And apparently a prerequisite for white belts is 3 scoops of pre-workout


I’ve been training for 9 months now and rolled with my first brand new guy the other day, and the gap was surprising. No offense to him of course, we all were new at one point. It just really put into perspective how much of a difference even just a little bit of training makes.


Jujitsu’s a straight super power, there’s very few feelings better then when a new big guy comes to the gym and thinks he’s gonna have an easy day, only to be tapped by women, 15yo kids and the like. It’s beautiful to witness they’re expressions change from “yeah this is gonna be fun “ to “tf have gotten myself into”


Recently just got my purple belt, seems a daunting task to do it justice, but we keep learning and improving.


Do ya'll have like a contact list of "Untrained Large Persons" that you book for tests?


the explaining part is where i struggle a little, i feel like when i roll it’s more instinctual because i can feel the weight distribution and “levers” when we’re in the flow of things. i do mma now but wrestling and jui jitsu were my first martial arts. since i try to blend everything together with mma i have a feeling that i’m not going to be able to look at jui jitsu in that way anymore.


Every blackbelt has a variation of requirements. A good book that outlines what he is saying and most blackbelts (including myself) can agree with is written by Xander Ribeiro (Forgive me, his name is probably spelled wrong. However, it will suffice to look it up). Cheers.


I thought it was making sure your monthly tuition is paid on time for 12 months


Man my gym doesn't give blues unless we can win a national tournament and man handle homies like 100lbs on us...rip. Purples give black belts from other gyms a hard time. The bar here is insane


My gym is having our belt ceremony tonight, 4 stripe white belt here, wish me luck! 😅


I’ve only gone to 3 BJJ classes but I’ve been scrapping with my cousins and brother my whole life and I guess I meet the criteria for blue belt.


Thanks for the information! I was thinking about what the belts were for.😊


I’m a white belt 4 stripes and I already have my own style. My physical strength isn’t great, I can get overpowered easily but I have great balance and do fantastic falls. Also I’m cool as on the mats no matter what perils I face 😎


Never trained bjj a day in my life (will start this august), but I have rolled with my friend (also untrained in bjj) that weighs 230 lbs (104.3 kg), or 90 lbs (40.8 kg) above me, many times and I have a high submission rate against him. Only problem is that I’m terrible at taking down all opponents, even my weight, so I have to focus on defending while standing and being more aggressive on the ground. Only reason I submit him a lot is because I watch videos about different bjj techniques and there is also a guy in my dojang that has experience with bjj and helps me learn some fundamentals.


My coach said he will only give a blue belt to someone who can invert. Because I have back and neck injuries i won't ever be able to but I'm happy being a while belt and looking forward to competing more this year


Based on this I'm a solid purple belt. But I am a new blue submitting several year purples and fighting browns to round end. I've dedicated so so much time to learning, training several gyms, and techniques.


Just got my blue belt.

…ordered it on Amazon.


Been following the ufc since I was 6 years old and never heard of the term shrimping until now lol


This is one of the reasons BJJ is watered down now. When I first started purple belts were basically the equivalent of modern black belts. The main difference between then and now is I think the dominance of no-gi and wrestling as a dominant aspect of Jiu Jitsu. Then again times are a lot different from the late 90s/early 2000s.
