What if the Romans won the Battle of Manzikert? Part 23 - War In Italy (Alternate History Series)

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Part 23 - The Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire engage in a conflict over control of Southern Italy.

"What if Napoleon Won the Battle of Trafalgar?"

Music is from Crusader Kings II, Medieval II: Total War, & Ryse Son of Rome
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This is an engrossing story even apart from the alternate history aspect of it. And Gregorious is on his way to be the new "Restorer of the World." Hopefully he doesn't get murdered by his rivals back in Constantinople.


Here comes the Roman reconquest of Italia!


I love how you take time to establish the characters and situation.


I can tell you worked hard on this episode! Great work!


This is a really great episode you did my man, really like the flavor with the storm that gives the Roman Empire an advantage against the Knights of Adonna. Your channel deserved to be recognized and your friend should have the recognition of being one of the best famous alternate history YouTubers for being the first alternate history youtube done alternate history on full animation than other alternate historians did with their videos.

If the Roman Army had conquered the rest of Italy would rename Rome after being back in Roman's possession and does Gregious think it's a good idea to have Gelatuis become the supreme ruler of the catholic church, is using his trump card to make Gelatuis as his ally? If so, that is a really smart move he did there, and the capability allowed some of his men to overwhelm Emperor Henry's forces and one Roman legionary killed the Holy Roman Emperor himself.

I have had some questions so far related to this video:

With Emperor Henry died from battle, who would be the current Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire? How did HRE manage to face a crisis with their Emperor be killed in battle? Which royal house ( dynasty) did Emperor Henery belongs to? Who will take his place from that dynasty?

Would Gregarious and his allies use this opportunity to take some terroirties from HRE and the "Empire" itself? Or would they see the conquest of Rome's conquest as the main achievement?

Are Alexios, Gregarious, and Anna along with other characters a real historic characters in real-life history or just made up?

When will the next video update? will be in a month or a week?

Anyway, this is a great video, my friend, I really see you put this much effort to make this video and use your time without rushing out and did it with creativity and having a fun time to make it, I really wish your channel can get more likes and get more recognition to people to see how amazing animator you are and alternate histroain who knows how to make an alternate history with animations. This is a very impressive episode, my friend, keep up the amazing work!!


Great Video! Worth the wait for sure. Keep em coming (this is so underrated)!!!


Greg Won his first victory and now is about to march on rome. I hope to god he conquers the eternal city and becomes Gregorios the Great, Emperor of the Romans and Ruler of the Eternal City.


If Napoleon's France+Spain had won the battle of Trafalgar, if the Germans had reached Antwerp in their Wacht am Rhein operation, if the British had won the Battle of the Chesapeake during the American Revolution, if the Germans had to taken Stalingrad or Leningrad, even both... One has to remember... differentiate between Macro results and Micro results, one has to remember that the actual list of actually decisive battles is far shorter than most people think. Hastings is one of them, as an example.


Sorry, I'm a week late. But soon, Italy will belong to the TRUE Romans again!


I have to make some corrections to your religious mistake. The Pope was never the leader of a united Christian Religion. He was only one of the five patriarchs and had the same exact power as the rest, but most importantly is that all of them were puppets of the Roman Emperor. The patriarchs did have political power, but the Emperor was always above them in ranking.
