What if the world used one currency? | Kavita Gupta | TED Institute

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Could cryptocurrencies and blockchain make the world more stable? Currency globalist Kavita Gupta shares how a decentralized global currency could lead to true economic inclusivity, where everyone has the same financial choice, dignity and opportunity.

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To have a single decentralised currency you would have to get rid of banks and governments to be truly decentralised


If you take away the negative hype surrounding the idea, it makes perfect sense.


There is no way that I'm going to use a payment system owned by Facebook.


Talks about decentralised currency and then shills centralised coins such as libra and jp morgan coin.


Her mistake was starting the talk with "A single world currency" - then into mentioning cryptos and that there are over 16, 000 of them however it is a step towards one currency. It's actually a step backwards in the way she describes it.


It is not about wealth but about mercy and compassion to less advantage people whose life is depending on survival salary with dignity


Let's have a globalised currency so that nations lose their economic sovereignty and no longer have control over interest rates, exchange rates, inflation and other financial mechanisms they can use to control their economy. The Euro worked out really well for Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain, etc.


Honestly, this could lead to a very simple solution to such a major problem around the world, fixing poverty. Right now, because of how the world economy works with so many different currencies, it causes major issues as each country controls their own currency and in turn can change prices for other countries. Have everything under a unified currency, that means that now, all countries have a say in prices and could put everything onto a fixed rate. Now, this isn't as much of a problem as people will think as the fixed rate will be low enough to be affordable, but not so low that people can just buy it all up with ease. This then leads to the other caveat, a UBI, where we're all provided a certain amount each month which would be enough to live comfortably on, but not so much that you can buy out a store. As long as we can figure out that balance, where people can have a roof over their head, enough food to never go hungry, and a little extra on the side to pay bills and enjoy life, it would allow for us to fix the biggest problems the world over and finally end things like poverty and homelessness.


The only way I would trust a global currency if it's backed by a bill of rights that's similar to positive rights in Norway, but in the US or Canada.


Sorry how do you control the boom busy cycle of economy if money supply is fixed?


Revelation 13:16‭-‬18
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

Repent and believe the Gospels, believe FROM YOUR HEART that Jesus took the punishment of your sins and resurrected on the third day and you will have eternal life and will not perish into the lake of fire. We are in the last days.


All countries should have same currency and printing rights with global monitoring.


crypto are black market goods inflation-gamble and some money people going to pubs enjoy model-as it looks-CURRENCY IS BACKED BY GOVT LEGAL PRINTED ACCORDING TO NEED /GROWTH OF ECONOMY OF A NATION/DOMESTIC, CENTRALIZED -CRYPTO IS LIKE TOKENS USED IN CASINOS


Stellar Lumens...not Libra. Ash to ash, Dust to Dust...it will rise as it is the only cryptocurrency which is Shiara certified. Libra works on Stellar network.


1 to 2k+ bolivars / coffee from 2018-2019

Lol. Fiat is gonna get vayyy verse


^Wanna know Vhy?


Another important factor in business is international time of synchrony single time and forced time stamp so no extra interest earn by delay time posting of payment benefit third party hugely because money growth is in second not day or year


Libra is dead. So is the idea of a world currency. I am all for it, but it won't happen. Especially the powerful countries like USA, China or the EU won't give up their currencies. In China trading krypto currency is forbidden. Besides it's all too volatile. Where is the improvement to the actual situation? Who decides about the worth of the digital currency? About the amount? All depends on the willingness of 200 countries to work together and give up privileges. You see the flaw?


Strong money would suck all technical and girls to slaves to powerful country or weak dollars is reverse


One world currency 100% a fair way to go.


Le john meynard Keynes
Ha ha ha kids
