If You Commit Suicide, Can You Go to Heaven? // Made for Glory

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What happens to the souls of those who end their own lives?
On this episode, we discuss suicide and salvation.

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Self loathe. I've hit a dead end in my line of subject, can't get a job from it, need money to try further or new lines, which I don't have. Also need money to apply abroad, which also isn't a guarantee. These are all the conclusions I've gotten from professional career guidance. If ever there is a place devoid of hope, I've found it. Truly I can say from my heart, the sight of hell beckons it's viewer. I can ask for nothing else, save for anyone who reads this. Pray for me please. I did not ask for this to happen.
Also please don't make the same mistake I did. Take careful consideration of what you do now for your future.


I wonder how many suicides happened because of the traumas inflicted by the catholic church? The suicide rate for survivors of abuse is pretty high. And let's not forget the traumas inflicted at the residential schools and magdalene laundries. What happens to the priests who abused kids in the afterlife? What happens to the priests who inflicted abuse and the victims go on to commit suicide because of it? I went to catholic school and this happened to a classmate. He went on to suicide. His life was gone because of what they did to him. I'm curious what happens to those monsters when they meet their maker?


Hi my bf committeed sucide few days back i m soo depresd with sudden thing i never imagined no one knows the reason he was just 17 . I miss him soo much 😭🥺where he must be can i once talk to him? 🥺


saint i saw your video, but i have different religion. i gonna say thank you for your video🙏🏻


Per the Church and video, yes you can go to heaven, IF you didn’t know it was a grave sin, or didn’t give full consent of your will, or repented before actual death. Therefore there is hope in their salvation so we should still pray for them, and as St Padre Pio did for those all who had died, pray that they died in a state of grace, or friendship with God, despite the suicide. Which is possible.

In my opinion, people who commit suicide because life was very hard such as being imprisoned, but were sane likely are damned which is reason enough to fear damnation if tempted with suicidal thoughts. But we don’t know for certain and pray for them.

On the other hand, in my opinion, people who are severely depressed and/or in severe chronic pain likely are not damned after suicide due to not having full control of themselves, so we should look
more favorably on them after death, but still pray for them, and warn against anyone ever taking their life no matter how hard their situation because ultimately we can’t know for certain where each person will go after suicide. It is a risk that can never be taken since hell is infinitely worse than any suffering in this life.

I recently had these thoughts dealing with severe chronic pain, but the only answer is accepting God’s will, a good daily prayer schedule, praying hard during temptations, and the sacraments, especially confession and communion.

Life is very short, but eternity is forever.


I just dont want to do it but I can't bear my disease anymore🥲


But what if you know you are going to die to save another life and are a Christian?


How is suicide a sin..? Isn’t sin evil so how is suicide not evil..?


Thank you pastor; I'm sorry father makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. As a Western Theist I find it difficult to reconcile the differences between Protestantism and Catholicism. It breaks my heart, but this video demonstrates why many Christians no longer view Catholicism, as Christianity. Could you make a video discussing why we have such fundamentally different requirements for salvation? You're still my brother in Christ, and there's no question that you will spend eternity in your Creators presence. I'm curious though, as a man that unquestionably understands Scripture better than myself, how you're able to come to terms with scripture advocating for salvation through Christ's grace? It appears to me that you're forced to induce conjucture to reconcile salvation for those that somehow hadn't repented before death, and it makes the argument for, "mortal sin" fall flat. I'm being sincere, and not looking to attack anyone, or have a debate. I'm genuinely interested.

Recently a loved one took his life. Though not a Christian I have been sharing the Gospel with him, and I'm hopeful that he accepted Christ as his savior sometime before he took his life. I recognize that it's most likely not the case, but I can still hope. Knowing they our past and present sins are forgiven, so long as we accept Christ as our savior, there's a chance that the spirit had moved in him sometime. He suffered with mental health as well, and I don't question whether or not there is extenuating circumstances for those that are mentally ill. This is high quality production, and I suspect that's it's only a matter of time before this channel grows.


Will god help me after i played to him? Right now i feel angst and so pain can not endure it, i was thinking of suicide this morning but i can't leave the world, can't leave infinite pain to my parents.the world is full of challenges for me.


Some view is that suicide is murdering yourself. Corinthians learns if in Christ we belong to Him and not to ourselves...so we cannot kill/murder. We can only get forgiveness if we did sin and askes for forgiveness...so if you kill yourself....how can you ask for forgiveness after passing away?


can you please answer my Question This has worried me for a long time so my dad and sister both Ended ther own lives but my dad had Schizophrenia and my sister was only 12 They were both good catholics will they get in to hevan


In other words. Suicide is the cheat code to skip this BS and go straight to heaven? As long as I keep love and forgiveness in my heart along the way?


If Jesus died on the cross to save the world then why can’t someone be forgive if someone takes their own life is doesn’t make any sense plus if kids and other age’s who committed suicide then they have to go to hell because God haves to judge them there but it’s says that God doesn’t judge children or babies so how come God choose your destiny because of life didn’t work out for people or children or kids wouldn’t that make Jesus Christ not a savior


Who is your god to judge us if he sometimes put our souls in a wrong body so whom is he to judge us


Roman Catholics believe that suicide is an unpardonable sin, because there is no way possible to reconcile that sin after death. This is a myth, and unscriptural. When a person comes to Jesus Christ as a guilty sinner, under the condemnation of God (Romans 3:10, 19), and places their faith solely in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of those sins (Galatians 3:26)--then ALL sins are forgiven forever, including future sins (Romans 8:1; Psalm 103:12). When a man believes on Jesus Christ, then he obtains HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, i.e., Jesus' righteousness (2nd Corinthians 5:21; Romans 10:3, 4). At salvation, Christ's righteousness is imputed to us, and we are declared "justified" in God's eyes (JUST-IF-ID never sinned).

A born-again believer CANNOT commit the unpardonable sin. Romans 8:1 states, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Only an unbeliever can commit the unpardonable sin, and many do. If a believer commits suicide, they still go to Heaven.


Hi my bf committeed sucide few days back i m soo depresd with sudden thing i never imagined no one knows the reason he was just 17 . I miss him soo much 😭🥺where he must be can i once talk to him? 🥺
