Can Someone Who Commits Suicide Be Saved? | Episode 19

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Suicide brings crushing grief to thousands of families every year, including Christian families. When a Christian takes their own life, loved ones often wrestle with doubt about the deceased individual's eternal destiny, compounding the sense of loss and grief.

In this episode, Dr. David K. Bernard addresses suicide from both a theological and a pastoral perspective. Dr. Bernard examines what the Bible says about the value of human life while offering comfort to those who have lost someone they love to suicide.

You can listen to the audio version of this episode on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, and other podcast platforms.
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It is comforting to know that we are being led by someone who acknowledges that God is grace and personal ❤️


I just loss my oldest daughter to drugs, suicide, and my oldest son to drug overdose just within a few months apart. It's one of the hardest things to go through as a parent. I trust in Jesus no matter what. He is our Salvation, and Strength.


Some years ago for a period of time I was severely depressed. As a Pentecostal we’re not to feel that way so I was too embarrassed to speak with anyone about it. I felt that I was absolutely no good/useless. One night in church the thought came to me “you’re no good for your family, the church nor anyone. You may as well kill yourself.” I immediately recognized that as a spirit, was prayed for and the severe oppression left. Sometimes we may think these thoughts are “just me” when in fact it could be a spirit and give into that spirit not realizing what’s happening.


Thank you for a Biblical and compassionate answer to this difficult question. Every situation is different and at times complex.


Wow. My dad shot himself December 2, 2014. He was battling severe mental health issues he was at such a loss and it came from out of nowhere. He passed away December 4, 2014. For those 2 days I spent them with him talking to him and crying. The doctors say he had no brain activity but I would like to believe that during those 2 days he was able to be forgiven for what he had done. Thank you for this video. It’s something I struggle with daily even 5 plus years later. It’s tested my faith but I’m giving my life back to our Lord. I believe he is a merciful God. ❤️


I have three ruptured discs in my low back since 2015. I'm in pain constantly, all the doctors do is give me pain pills, that do little. Being out of work gave me the time to get back into the Bible. I have read and studied it several times and still do. If not for getting back in the Word, I don't know what I would have ended up doing.
Now my wife has cancer in her head and lungs. She just started radiation.
Please keep us in your prayers. Me, I've been praying for the rapture for a while now. Maranatha.


Having lost my husband to suicide 3 months ago, thank you for addressing this hard subject. It is very difficult for those left behind. All I can say he is in the hands of a just God. We are devastated by this loss.


Such a touchy subject. I know a couple people who have committed it and I myself have attempted as well. I do know that more often than not, you’re in extreme pain and you do call and cry out to the Lord in your pain. I always say, in the end, when you’re drawing your last breath, we do not know the thoughts of the person. We don’t know if they have conversations with God in those moments and we don’t know where they go in the end bc we are not God. But dependence on God will grant us the strength to overcome anything.


I have described these same thoughts to people before about suicide. I believe this message is from God to comfort and give hope to the ones left behind.


Thank you very much for this message, I sense it brought hope. GOD bless you and all of us who have tuned in, inJESUS Name!!


Thank you Brother Bernard for your words of wisdom.


Not when your loved ones can't even stand being around you because your thinking and your everything is so different than theirs....makes you want to not be here anymore


The entire world need to hear this important message


Wow! Thank you for this great and comforting words! Don't know why Robin Williams comes to my mind. I prayed that God reached out to him in his final moments 💔 😭


The Lord is merciful to them who are hurting mentally he does forgive👆✝️🙏


Tell it Superintendent!!🙌 Worship God, be still & know He IS GOD and has the answer(s) for your pain, emotional healing etcetera. Please believe me but more importantly believe in YOURSELF enough to endure. (They that endure to the end..ya know!)


Matt 12:31 Jesus says “all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.”
Suicide is not unforgivable. It is very much not advised as it is a sin, but it is not an unforgivable sin. Furthermore, I’ve never met anyone who is in their right mind that commits suicide. I would say that anyone willing to take their own life is dealing with things that we know nothing about, and we shouldn’t be the one to judge that person who may have been dealing with things we didn’t understand. Also I’ve heard a lot of people in my life quote the Bible saying “no sin will enter in” but that isn’t speaking of a person who commits a sin and immediately dies going to hell. For example, if a person lives their entire life living a godly life and witnessing and serving others, and just happens to wake up and everything in their life goes wrong. Maybe they get a call that a loved one has died or their house burned down, and they go to the store and someone spills hot coffee all over them, let’s say that godly person makes a mistake and tells that person off, yells and even cussed. Then as they leave the store they pull out in traffic, get hit by a bus and die. Does that mean they’re on their way to hell because they didn’t ask forgiveness before they died? No. The Bible says no sin will enter in because we will no longer have a body of flesh, but put on a body of immortality. We’ll shed this sinful body and that heavenly body will be what enters into heaven.
So the person that commits suicide, God will judge that person. He will judge them fairly and righteously. But that doesn’t mean they will go to hell for that sin.


This is so good Brother Bernard!!! Thank you for discussing the hard topics❤️


Thank you for addressing these issues with wisdom and love.


Wow, I love this.. Thank you Dr. Bernard for your kind words❤️
