Is Nei Dan More Ancient And Powerful Than Nei Kung? Truth Revealed...(Nei Dan VS Nei Kung)

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My question is that is there any variation in means to achieve the state of "true man" that is immortality?

From what I read all schools seem to be ...
1 still the jing (celibacy, wu-wei) which then moves upwards to the middle dan tien which if properly cultivated(calmed, attachments loosened with various practices) the energy will then be converted from jing to Qi then to Shen which enters the center of the head and 'cleanses the marrow" and in which case for spiritual immortality the transformation of Shen to Dao happens all naturally and automatically. All practices are pre-text to bringing this about right?

Outside of that there is the cultivation of physical immortality which is much harder and involves the restoration of jing via the 'jade fluid" that forms in the mouths and moves down functional channel into the false dan tien then inwards into the true dan tien where vitality is restored with the jing.

Anything you can add or correct regarding that info Sifu Amin Jani?
