Muslim makes INSANE Admission and Christian Sam Shamoun and he responds #samshamoun #christian

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Muslim Sheikh on live tv admits a shocking statement about prophet Muhammad in Islam because in the Quran, he married Aisha and Christian apologist Sam Shamoun points out the problem behind the statement and morality in the Christian and Muslim debate

#samshamoun #christianity #muslim
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They will knowingly LIE to defend a dirtbag because they are too ashamed to admit the truth.


Wow and yet some muslims try to hide this and say she was 19


Don't forget to mention that word from Allah (Quran 65:4), about rule in divorcing wife/girl not yet reached puberty. Such evil..


Even if you go by the cultural norms of the time where you marry a younger women then have sex.

1. Most of the time it was usually an established man in their 20s.

2. The woman had their period already, the average age for a woman to get married was between 13-19.

And let us not forget that muslims went by the lunar calendar, so if we use the actual age of them that the world uses now, then Aisha would actually have been 5 when she was married and 8 when she lost her virginity to muhammad, police be upon him.


Everything they say is takiya aka allowed lying to deceive us because to them we're dirty and it's OK not to treat us honestly and fairly
Thank you Jesus for showing us the truth
You're the truth
I love you my lord and savior
