Could You ESCAPE the Reincarnation Trap? Isabella Greene's MIND-BLOWING Strategy!

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UPDATE: Isabella Greene presents a mind-blowing strategy that challenges the concept of the reincarnation trap. 🌀 Discover powerful insights and thought-provoking techniques that might just hold the key to breaking free from the cycle of rebirth. 🌌 If you're ready to explore new dimensions of thought and embark on a journey of enlightenment, hit that subscribe button and join Isabella Greene in reshaping your perception of existence! 🌌

The journey awaits – let's explore the uncharted territories of consciousness with Isabella Greene and discover the untapped potential within ourselves. 🌠🌻


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just the facts that they delete your memories and it´s so difficult to get out here, proves that earth has been created with a shady intent.


There's always somebody or something higher up on the food chain. Simple Solution. Take yourself off the menu. Isabella Is Truly a Gem!


I have realized that a long time ago as well, it started with my horrible experiences with angels and finding out that they were connected to this light trap. My 'guardian angel' Haziel (who is actually a parasite like the rest of them) brought me in front of the light in the astral out of request, it didn't expect me and the light wasn't as kind as in those NDE's, as it wasn't expecting me. The whole vibe with the light and the angel was incredibly douchey, nothing magical or loving. The light told me to go back, the angel then pressed it's finger against my spine to wake me up (and it was very unpleasant). I was constantly attacked during me sleep, sleep paralysis, nightmares, depression, all of which stopped when I cut ties with the angels. She also says it in her book and she is spot on, Angels are behind this. The idea that they are loving beings full of light is being pushed by their servants on earth through new age nonsense, and everyone is falling into the trap. People are taught to think with their emotions instead of reason, and this is why they keep getting fooled here on earth and in the thereafter. YOU are your own boss, you are a speck of this universal energy and you have the whole of it inside of you. Become both light and darkness, learn to keep balance between both and you will become unconquerable by any evil beings.


Something that is also interesting: In the astral, you can create worlds with conflicts, but without pain and terror. Like, LOTR/DnD LARP quests, you can even go and hunt dragons if you want. But it's all energy and nobody gets killed/hurt. So why couldn't they do it here as well? Why do people have to lose limbs, get bullied, killed in the most horrific ways? How does physical pain help souls grow? How can you grow spiritually if your memories keep being wiped? It makes no sense.


I have a question for Isabella after these few statements. In her first NDE she felt overwhelming love. She really trusted the beings she met and felt that they were her true helpers. She later came to the conclusion that they were frauds or tricksters. Now she is channeling beings from a Planet in Andromeda. How does she know that these are genuine and that she is not being tricked once again? This is the crux of the problem for most people. How is anyone to know who to trust, especially in the face of such sophisticated trickery.


SECOND interview please!!! She has validated so much of my intuitive thoughts regarding the void, karma, the "heaven" setup, the reincarnation trap, and she has opened my eyes to more that I did not know but makes complete sense. Thank you, Isabella and interviewer.


Isabella!!! I am taking in your interviews from different places. You are different than "the others" and I appreciate it. You share my own "suspicion" of entities insisting on being "your guide". Looking beyond your own self to something/someone as being an ultimate authority for you.... IS PROBLEMATIC.
I know that the Buddha taught his students to stand ON THEIR OWN ultimately.
I'm not saying to shun help when it presents itself. True help won't ever foster dependency, in fact just the opposite.
Thank you for sharing your insight!


The first time I went to Egypt, tears just rolled down when the plane silently glided through the cloud barrier and the Pyramids appeared before us. The sun glinted off the top of the Great Pyramid of Cheops as if capped with gold. The molecules of the stone shimmered and vibrated, and for a second, I felt I could see the space between the atoms and feel the energy hum.

Cairo sprawled into the haze. The plane swooped left circling the plateau of Giza as the pilot announced the pyramids with much pride in his voice. The whole plane erupted in applause.


I have been skeptical of many of the things the new age movement teach. After coming out of the Christian faith I had lots of questions. Much of new age thought makes no sense and has the capacity to create as much bondage and self doubt as the organized religions produce. I am thankful for those who dare to offer alternative info. This has been a challenging change for me currently at the age of 75. I wouldn’t change these experiences for anything. The freedom I have gained is worth it all.


No meditation technique, no matter how advanced, can take one beyond the mind because meditation is for the mind. The only thing that can take one out of the mind (causal world) and to the Source is unconditional Divine Love.


Once the mind, body and Ego, gets acclimated, it's much easier to do. Your Ego Presents Emotional Fears, because it Doesn't want your Spirit to Leave the Body. You have to Overcome the Fears and as she says, the Constant Negative Thoughts that Try to Stop you. Once You Do it, It's AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE !!


Correction: as the interviewer proposed, Kriya yoga is indeed a breath work originating from Yogananda. I find it amusing that she skirts his question and avoids answering him directly.


I believe astral projection/soul travel/and quantum travel are all the same thing depending on your energy level and the chakra you exit. I know many people including myself who have traveled to higher realms just from regular astral projection far past the astral realm, outer space, and beyond. The key is to exit the higher chakras if yo want to avoid the astral. The dense gooey projection she mentioned is the lower chakras and places nearby like the lower astral or real time zone. As I developed my skills and energy, I started exiting from higher chakras and you go to higher realms past duality. Also, you can travel by thought or use portals to go anywhere you want depending on your available energy even with astral projection. No glass ceiling in my experience, because once I went straight into space rocket speed when trying to learn to fly lol. Amazing and scary because I’m scared of heights and it feels just like roller coaster butterflies in my tummy lol. Flying is just for fun and not the best mode to travel. Creating portals with intentions work for me.


Oh dear this interview was a mouthful. Must say that it is without doubt very unique. I am going to have to listen a few more times. There was a lot to absorb in just an hour. Very intense and interesting at the same time. Thanks for sharing Isabella, Trey, great interview. Thanks for your work. 💜🌸💜🥰🦋🦋🦋


I love hearing about projectors. I would love to hear about the different realms she visits and beings she has met. Projectors don't really know where to go because we cannot direct ourselves to places if we don't know the places lol. All the places I've been to, I was guided to.


Similar to David Icke book "The Trap"


nice to see more people validating David Ickes work.


Please, please have Clif High on your show and interview him on this same subject. He is an amazing individual who will bring a new perspective to this very interesting discussion!


Best Isabella Greene interview. So inspirational!


It's interesting how people just speak so matter of factly about this stuff.
