How to install Flutter on Windows 10 | Windows 11 | Flutter for Windows | Android Studio & VS Code

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#install_flutter_on_windows #flutter_install_on_windows #flutter_install_in_windows #install_flutter_in_windows
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install Flutter from 0 up to running example application of Flutter team.
This tutorial includes installing and set up:
- Flutter SDK
- Git for Windows
- Android Studio Setup
- Android emulator
- Java (JDK) for the Virtual Device
- Windows Setup
- VS Code setup
- Useful Extensions for Flutter

If the same ERROR (unable to locate adb) happens with you, simply go to "Project Structure" dialog (or press 'alt+ctrl+shift+s' shortcut) and then to project- "Project SDK" is selected "no SDK". Just change it to the latest.

- Java JDK 8:

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Tasks App [To Do App] Using Flutter BLoC Pattern [2022] - Part 1:

Flutter App - Math Quiz [ From Scratch ] [ 2022 ]:

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Рекомендации по теме

I have tried many tutorials, but this one worked and easy to understand


helpful, ,, quick time saving with out trash talking... tnx a lot


Watched many videos before but non-explained it clean like this. Thank you very much brother


After watching tons of videos on YouTube, the way you explain everything is amazing. A Big Thanks! bro


This is the best flutter installation tutorial. Thanks bro 👍


thank you! this was a great tutorial. I was able to follow and complete the installation smoothly. You are a very good instructor. ☺


Thanks. Recommend this one to watch and install, everything is clear and step by step


one of the best installation tutorial it solve all my issues


Thank you so much, You've just saved me a lot of time. Keep up the great work!


All steps worked at once, thank you very much


This is the tutorial whic helped me a lot, fast end easy👍🏻 thanks


I get "path too long" when I try to unzip the file how can I fix it? I tried to re-download it but still didn't work please help


Thanks. This was super useful. BTW which is the VSCode extension you used to color project folders differently?


The virtual device won't show up for me.


Thanks for useful extensions, good explanations


What about web and iOS? Or all are same?


You are the boss. Do you have tutorial on dart?


Please how can I solve unable to locate ADB when I launch my virtual device problem


I keep getting a 'Visual Studio - development for Windows' error when I run Flutter doctor.' but you did not get this error. Do I need to install Visual Studio even if I have Visual Code installed?


bhai mera aisa error aa rha h plz help current Dart SDK version is 2.16.0-134.5.beta.

Because flutter_application_1 requires SDK version >=2.16.0 <3.0.0, version solving failed.

Running "flutter pub get" in flutter_application_1...

pub get failed (1; Because flutter_application_1 requires SDK version >=2.16.0 <3.0.0, version solving failed.))
