Epic New Cities of Sigmar Models

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In this video, I'm going to show you some of the latest models for the Cities of Sigmar range. These models are epic and perfect for any Warhammer player!

If you're a fan of the Cities of Sigmar range, then you'll love these new models! I'm showing you some of the latest models, including what will be in the launch box. These models are perfect for any Warhammer player, and they'll add excitement and drama to your games!

Plus I will show you possibly the best centre piece for the new Cities of Sigmar Range.

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What are your thoughts on the new cities of Sigmar launch box?


Models are getting too big.
How does the throne stay on the manticore?


I really like this miniature, but:
1) there is no no-named character option. For my custom homebrew armies I only need 'my dudes'. I don't really like the "counts as" rule.
2) My heart and my vote is already for Tyranid Deathleaper. This is just a perfect representation of Tyranids as Alien + Lovecraft.
Note: the worst miniature of the year in my opinion is a new plastic biovore/pyrovore. It looks like a cheap conversion of extra bits. Completely bad design idea.
