Dave Rubin on his ‘wake-up call’ to ‘twisted, evil, woke cult’

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The Rubin Report host Dave Rubin speaks with Sky News host Paul Murray about one of his wake-up calls to the "twisted, evil, woke cult" and how he was shocked to find conservatives to be “nicer”.

Mr Rubin said a few years ago he had Larry Elder, a conservative radio host, on his YouTube show and was beaten "senseless with facts" by Mr Elder on the matter of systemic racism.

“And instead of doing what most lefties do which is call him a horrible name or cancel the show or kick him out or whatever, we aired it, we aired it as is," he told Sky News host Paul Murray.

“And a few days later I saw a lot of people in the comments going, ‘you know, they’ve kind of listened’."

He said after this he started talking to other conservatives and found although he had some disagreements, they were “very open” to discussion and “knew what they thought and why they thought it”.

“And I find them, honestly, this was the most shocking part – I found them nicer.”
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I'm the same age as Dave. He's right about the 90s, most of these social problems had been solved. The woke cult coming into power has set us back at least 50 years.


True strength is being able to change your mind and admitting you were wrong.


We are living what happened during the most dark times of History (Inquisition, Nazism, ...) regarding the 'cancel culture' of the 'Woke movement'. As Heinrich Heine (German poet: 1797-1856) stated: 'Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people'. Unfortunately, that quote is still accurate, now, more than ever...


One of the best speakers I have listened to in a long time. Great interview Paul..


''Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying culture'' - Aristotle


Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Douglas Murray all at the same table having drinks and discussing the nature of reality? I want to be at that table! Add Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, and Larry Elder and it would be, wait for it, LEGENDARY!


Being able to admit being wrong is the biggest process of learning.
I'm glad if I'm wrong it means I've learnt something


Started listening to Dave before he made to change to conservative side. He has always been kind and tried to hear all sides. Love you Dave!


As has been said from ancient times, before us each day we have two paths: good and evil. You choose your path.


What an awesome interview this was! Great job by both guys. Thanks!


"Major problems about race, discrimination, inequality etc had been basically solved in our generation." I would go further than that. I am a generation older than Mr Rubin and the host of this show, and I dare to say that during MY generation, much of the most ugly forms of prejudice have been acknowledged and urgently redressed. I grew up in 1950s and 60s Hong Kong, the way women, handicapped, or even poor people were treated left much to be desired (we did not have a race problem in Hong Kong as the only other races were white and of course it was they who looked down on "little yellow people.") But by the 70s and 80s, huge strides were made towards a more tolerant, understanding, and compassionate society. White people too, abandoned their former haughty and belittling attitude and began to relate with us on a more equal and civil basis. By the turn the the last century, the transformation was well-nigh complete and the world was a much nicer place. But wow, then came the woke poison that aggressively "cancel" and attack everything that does not meet their "supreme" standard of wokism. Women are not allowed to be identified as women; breast-feeding must be called "chest-feeding;" mummy and daddy are out and must be identified as "birthing parents." According to Chinese people who had been through the Cultural Revolution (hereafter to be referred as CR, ) Wokism reminds them of the worst excesses of that era of total madness and they have made comparison between the two horrifying trends. Firstly, during the CR, people were divided into categories---black (baddies, meaning intellectuals, former lander gentry, former rich people, counter-revolutionaries, rightist) or red (those considered totally loyal to the Chinese Communist Party.) With Woke, people are divided into "politically correct" and "politically incorrect." In both the Communist and the new Woke Culture, there is no room for compromise, common sense, historical background, rationale, or fairness. One word in support of a doomed intellectual, and you also became public enemy number one. Here, people like J K Rowling is being hounded, threatened and cancelled because she dares to speak out about gender issues. Secondly, in the CR, everything is being censored and monitored. A child accidentally spilled ink onto a picture of Mao in a newspaper, and the kid was put under the spot-light and interrogated about who taught her to "disrespect" our "Great Leader." Her parents were thrown in jail. With Woke, you cannot say one word in praise of Winston Churchill because he was supposed to be a "racist." In the final analysis, both the CR and Wokism aim to totally monopolise the past, present, and future and dictate to us what we could say, think, and do. It is the ultimate dictatorship.


Loved watching Dave Rubin actually seeing the light during his Larry Elder interview.


I just now learned that Dave Rubin is gay. I've been listening to his work for a LONG time.
What a credit to be someone who doesn't feel the need to make that bit of his life the lead - just live your life and love who you love.
Brilliant, and congratulations on the babies.


This is a great exchange. Great video!


Thank you Paul. This is a conversation that should go viral. Exactly as Dave says we've become Tolerant of Intolerance ! I've been a fan of Dave for years, He's always seen both sides and actually fights for the right way.


*_I just love Paul Murray, he's funny, an on point truth, facts, Anti Woke Warrior ..._*


Thank u for that encouragement!!! God bless u and keep u strong!


Great interview ! So pleased to read that, my hero, the great Larry Elder, was the one to open the door home to you ! Welcome home. We really are nice, rational, common sense, law abiding, ordinary, working folks. We love our Country and her great Constitution and all those who defend and uphold both !!!
Those who don't, are free to leave. Not cause havoc and destroy her to suit themselves and their Marxist agenda.


Love Dave... you gave him the respect he deserves and thank you for an awesome chat!


Paul, that was a really good interview.Good job.
