Dave Rubin: Woke Wars -- Free Thinkers in an Age of Unreason

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#SWYSI, with guest Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report (YouTube's largest free speech talk show). In this clip (full show linked below) Dave and Peter discuss everything from his new book ("Don't Burn This Book") to illiberal liberals, Ben Affleck and meeting the President.

"Don't Burn This Book: Thinking For Yourself in an Age of Unreason" is available from Amazon UK & Waterstones.

Synopsis: "The left is no longer liberal. Once on the side of free speech and tolerance, progressives now ban speakers from college campuses, "cancel" people who aren't up to date on the latest genders, and force religious people to violate their conscience. They have abandoned the battle of ideas and have begun fighting a battle of feelings. This uncomfortable truth has turned moderates and true liberals into the politically homeless class.

"Now, Rubin gives you the tools you need to think for yourself in an age when tribal outrage is the only available alternative. Based on his own story as well as his experiences from the front lines of the free speech wars, this book will empower you to make up your own mind about what you believe on any issue and teach you the fine art of:
• Checking your facts, not your privilege, when it comes to today's most pervasive myths, from the wage gap and gun violence to climate change and hate crimes.
• Standing up to the mob against today's absurd PC culture, when differences of opinion can bring relationships, professional or personal, to a sudden end.
• Defending classically liberal principles such as individual rights and limited government, because freedom is impossible without them.

"The Progressive Woke Machine is waging war against the last free thinkers in the world. Don't Burn This Book is the definitive account of our current political upheaval and your guide to surviving it." e you Receive All Notifications)

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So What You're Saying Is... (SWYSI) is a weekly discussion show with experts and significant figures from the political, cultural and academic worlds.

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Dave's show is a demonstration of why respectful honest conversations really are the right way to get nearer to the truth.


Been a fan of Dave Rubin for a while now. Great guest 👍


Peter's show just keeps getting better and better. Fascinating interview. Thanks 😊


RE: Allowing businesses to do right by their people.

After being laid off from my full-time career job, I took some temp jobs while I looked for permanent work. One of them had been typing real estate appraisals. When that was over I had a new skill, so I cold-called every real estate appraiser within commuting distance asking if they were hiring and when they said no I asked if I could send a resume in case they changed their mind. A few said okay.

About a week later I got a call back from "Martin Hillbert." He said that he'd been thinking about it. He had two office staff supporting four appraisers, so if he hired me he could take on two more appraisers and increase his business by 50%. (Job creation at its finest!). I was only part time as an addition to the two full-timers. The appraisers were all subcontractors, not employees, so Martin wasn't mandated to provide us with any benefits. The two full-time office workers were on their husbands' insurance so that was a significant savings for Martin.

The office manager got very sick and was going to need to have surgery and spend several weeks off work to recover. Martin told her not to worry about her income -- he'd continue to pay her for as long as necessary until she was able to return to work. He was able to give her what turned out to be six weeks of sick leave because he didn't need to spend money on unneeded health insurance for her.

He found out that though I was separated from my husband, we were putting off the divorce so I could stay on his insurance. Martin told me "Get your divorce and move on with your life. I'll pay for your insurance."

One of the new appraisers was a diabetic who had health insurance through some sort of appraiser's organization. They had a rule that you could only get insurance through them if every contactor in your office was also a member. Martin paid the membership dues for the other five appraisers so the new guy could keep his insurance.

Another appraiser had to have surgery and would need to be out for a while then gradually work his way back to his regular work load. Martin had gotten a contract with a bank to do a bunch of appraisals in a new development where all of the homes were nearly identical. This meant that the appraisals were super fast and easy to do. Martin had given a discount to get the contract, so the appraisers got paid less but per appraisal could make up for that in sheer volume. Martin started giving that appraiser as many of those appraisals as he could so that he could build up income prior to the surgery to tide him over, then continued to give them to him as he recovered so that he'd be maintaining some income as he got back to his normal work load.

All of that happened in about a six month period. None of it mandated by anybody.


Thank you Peter, you're so engaging.


Peter, do you have a backup channel on Bitchute or some such? I have observed far more YouTube censorship since Y.T terms of service changed (for the UK post Brexit) the end of March 2020.
Edit: added year as reference


I've seen this interview - it's famous for a reason.


Dave Rubin hits the nail on the head about many points. In particular about Trump.


two reasons "youtube" like sites fail is 1 youtube treats everyone like they are stupid so makes everything easy to do 2 they make the page look nice and not like it's from the late 80's early 90's on dial website builders remember those two things..youtube would have a fight on their hands.


At 13:24 Dave said “We’ve all seen the balloon.” I didn’t get the reference. Can someone explain it for me? Thanks.


I love this show and have followed Dave Rubin but the surrogate mother is a dark and destructive road... Sounds very woke to me.


Really good interview. Interesting and thoughtful. New subscriber.


Goodness me. You cannot criticise the Koran. It’s against the law.


I like Chinese best, as well as British of course.


Sadly Sooner or later this channel will go the way of Alex Jones. All conversation that is not curated by the mainstream will be removed.


@ 11:11 "Find another baker, then, " You build grievance with thoughtless Libertarians over freedom and free speech and the markets taking care of it all, yet when you're shut down by a private company that can do whatever it wants, suddenly this is worthy of your ire.

I think Rubin has served his purpose. SO tired of this guy.


Love Dave rubens awakening out of the worst ideology in history.


Affleck was roid-raging in preparation for Batman at the time and just randomly picked an epic clash with Harris.


True or not, didn't the Reps say exactly the same about Clinton's cognitive condition back in 2016?


Dave dedicating his book to Ben Affleck is almost equivalent to J Robert Oppenheimer dedicating the Manhattan project, to Adolf Hitler.
