10 More Worst Fates Suffered By Heroes In Horror Movies

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Nobody deserved to go out like this...

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I honestly think the worst fate of a protagonist was in The Mist, he kills his entire family to save them from the horrors in the mist only to be saved a matter of seconds later.


It seems unlikely that David Mills would've gotten a life sentence for killing John Doe. Crimes of passion aren't treated nearly as harshly as pre-meditated ones.


It’s always confused me how Tusk is said to be a “horror comedy”. It had some comical parts, but I found it to be incredibly disturbing. Sure, its premise sounds silly on paper, but when you move passed that and put yourself in that reality, it’s a really frightening idea. Thoroughly enjoyed the movie though.


Wallace’s friends were cruel for not putting him out of his misery


Imagine letting yourself get buried alive by the exact same dude who killed your girlfriend.


If you're familiar with "SE7EN", there's a hint that Mill's wife Tracy suffered far worse than merely death and post-mortem decapitation at John Doe's hands. He says to Mills, "I tried to play 'Husband'...I tried to TASTE the life of a simple man..." This suggests that John Doe probably spent the hours he held her captive raping and torturing her, possibly even performing an abortion of the fetus before satisfying his envy and killing her. Fincher once gave an interview where that was asked, and he was cagey with his answer. He wouldn't say Yay or Nay outright, but there are rumors that a quick shot was supposed to be included in Mill's mind (like the quick frame in which we see Tracy's face) where he sees John Doe molesting and torturing Tracy. This would have been just before Mills shoots Doe.

One other thing, and this is something Fincher made absolutely clear in interviews about the movie: Mills was NOT ARRESTED nor was he ever TRIED FOR THE MURDER OF JOHN DOE. Fincher said that Mills was cleared of all charges under diminished capacity. Now, yes he likely spent time in a psychiatric facility, but he wasn't ever going to prison for killing the man who killed his wife then taunted him with the fact by delivering Mills' wife's head to him.


Mills might have been arrested at the end of Se7en but i seriously doubt that hes gonna spend the rest of his days incarcerated. Sommerset and the cheif talked about how they are gonna take care of him. Still a terrible fate though no arguments there.


Agreed. Miller's fate always creeped me out


Everyone who saw Shutter Island knew exactly that the main character realised what exactly he did but pretended he never did realise it.


Event Horizon...

At the end, when Weir is holding Miller's head and showing him Hell and asking, "Do you see???" Mills replies, "Yes, I see." He accepts his sacrifice in order to save the last three members of his crew and detonates the explosives.

Weir screams in anger and many people assume that he's angry because he doesn't get to take the rest of the crew.

Here's my take on it... and it's somewhat consoling for me:

Weir knows that the other three are out of reach. He knows he's going to take Mills and make him suffer. So why is he so angry? I believe that by choosing to sacrifice himself to save his crew, Mills can't go to Hell. Even though the engine section goes through the black hole into Hell, Mills doesn't go with them. Weir knows this, and is angry Mills found the loophole, and Mills dies without suffering.


Arguably, Morgan freeman in seven seemed to be the main protagonist. Seeing time and again innocent victims lives shredded by the filth of NYC, that’s what got me anyway.


That's actually not how the plot of when evil lurks goes in all actuality Pedro is not a demon hunting cleaner and he constantly keeps ignoring the advice of everybody around him by acting impulsively because of his emotions which ultimately leads to all of those events occurring


I remember seeing Shutter Island in theaters. I'm just now realizing Mark Ruffalo is in it. He's been in more movies than I realize


You couldn’t have been more wrong about When Evil Lurks if you tried.😂😂😂


If you ever do a top 10 list of horror movies that needed and deserved at least one sequel, but didn't get it, I would put Event Horizon at the top of that list. That movie cried out for a sequel, but it never happened.


Pedro can't just "kill the rotten" in When Evil Lurks. It has to be done in a specific way or the evil just keeps spreading.


Did the writer actually watch When Evil Lurks? The brothers arent cleaners, they find a dead one in the woods and discover their neighbour has become possessed. You cant just kill them as you say, you have to do so in a very specific way with specialised equipment or the demon will be able to transfer itself out and be born in someone else. That whole section was a complete mess, what are you doing?


Tusk was the most disturbing movie for that main character I’ve ever seen


Miller probably died by being sucked into space when the ship was blown in half. Sad, but infinitely better than the alternative.


Like someone Said below, Pedro for 'When Evil Lurks' WASNT a hunter, he so happened to stumble on the possesed man.
And it WASNT his daughter that died but his ex-wife daughter from another marriage.
