Cursed House Baffles Police

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#ScaryStories #NathanBarnatt
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Why has this man not got more subscribers, the internet owes this man a debt!


been a fan for a while so I shouldn't be surprised the actor/streamer/comedian now has a true crime/paranormal podcast. at this point you can probably do everything. next i feel like you'll make scented candles or something.


so thankful to have the grave stories back, its even crazier when you can trace back the story to real people because that gave me chills


What a strange story...the rain inside is the bit that gets me....


Excited for this!! Didn't know about the podcast, but will check out right after this!!!


Oooo yes! Longer episodes of Grave Stories makes me so excited! Grave Stories is one my favorite things you create.


My first thought on seeing this thumbnail: "this man does a little of every kind of content!" And you do it super well! Thanks for the Grave Stories!


Hell yes, love the new style of content, Nathan!

(In addition to your regular content, that is! I don't want you to stop making the stuff that makes you happy)


This account deserves a million followers for all the years of masterpieces


You should ask Matt to be a guest on your podcast, he’s said that he really loves all the internet creepy stories in the past - would be a nice crossover


I remember this story. Always happy to see new content from you, Nathan!


Excited for more spooky AF content, put it in my


An interesting take on the possession/exorcism story.
You look good and really well groomed. Thanks for posting again!


yes! finally came across a video that doesn't mess with my headache.


Love the podcast already, so I'm looking forward to this!


Very intriguing work, Nathan, I like it. It's always interesting to see a creative mind putting their thoughts into a new medium, The juxtaposition of the happiness of your dancing mixed with the eerie contemplativeness of Dad and this series here is terrific.


Love listening to you narrate and obvs the whole DaD universe.


I hope you’re definitely gonna do more of the GS Investigations videos soon on the Dad channel. Those are the best between all these, IMO. Keep doing your thing bro.


This is the perfect story to share one of my encounters.

I have been a perpetual transfer student all my life. Always an outsider, always alone. A stranger in a strange world. At one point, i moved from Buffalo, Tx to Dallas, Tx with my mother. While i was there, i met my best freind and only person i ever called "brother." We grew up together, even when we were forced to move around.

At one point, he moved to Ruston, Louisiana with his mother. It was tough, but one summer i managed to make a trip to go see him and spent a few weeks there.

Sounds great, right? Well, there was a catch. See, he lived in what i could only describe as a plantation era house that was just down the street from a Graveyard. He also knew of my supernatural experiences too and experienced many of them with me and we'd long been discussing his haunted house.

He told me the stories of how coins would get stacked on his kitchen table and the sounds of footsteps on his roof and patio. Atypical stuff, honestly, and while i was interested, a story was just a story but for him, he wanted my experience.

There were many nights where activity was high. Knocking, footsteps, opening doors, chairs getting turned over, the works. Pretty quickly, we both came to the understanding that my presence was apparently amping things up. It didnt matter though. These things happened.

One night, things took a turn. It was around 3 o'clock (a very auspicious time for spiritualists) at night when the foot steps started. First, they walked over the top of the roof to the front porch, before dropping down with an enormous thud on the front porch, which was covered by the by. Shortly after, we heard the screen door begin to slam against the jam. At around 16 years old, we were pretty on edge but the presence was unmistakable.

A lost soul...twisted with anger, sadness and rage. The air had become palpable to me and i could see it bleeding into my brothers face as things intensified and he looked to me for... honestly, whatever a person looks for when confronted with that kind of darkness.

So we opened the door to his bedroom and stepped into the darkened hall with me at the front.

Now, i need to explain a bit of architecture here. The way his house was set up you entered from the front door, down a hallway which lead to the living room, then had a wall separating it from a kitchen, with another wall that lead to the hallway and bedrooms. His room was at one end and his mothers at the other. Basically, his hall and the hall to the main entrance run side by side with eachother.

And thats where we heard it. A wet, slapping sound of meat on wood floors. Unmistakable if you've ever run inside from being in a sprinkler or the pool. Except these slaps were slow, thick, staggered, and too many... as in, there sounded like two sets of slapping sounds creeping up the hallway. This is where the perspectives shift bc my brother didnt go far from in front of his bedroom door, and i was pacing alongside it for the most part, except that it had a longer stride. My brother heard the slaps, but he didnt hear it... the breathing or groaning... or the pain. To me, there might as well not even been a wall.

Halfway to the split, i stopped dead in my tracks, realizing this apparition had out paced me and was about to turn the corner.

We both saw a pair of hands covered in swamp muck grip the side of the wall, the way you'd expect something to climb over a ledge. Long and thinned by decay.

My brother froze and i turned and bolted past him as i saw the top of its head and what i can only describe as its feet coming up to grip the sides of the walls next, like a frog on a pearch but without being able to see its body.

I grabbed my brother and we slammed into a now shut door that wouldnt open. To this day, my brother still tries to convince himself that it was all a joke and i held the door shut on him, however i can tell you that the only reason we got through that door was because he barreled us both down as we heard the slapping rapidly approach us, crawling along the wall.

The last thing i remembered was falling on my back with the door swinging and seeing a face i cant truly describe, reaching around the frame as i kicked the door shut.

There are plenty of questions one can ask. Why do ghosts sometimes respect doors? Why didnt it keep coming? Etc. So forth. Fact is, there are many reasons but for the most part those reasons are known only to those who experience and the departed themselves.

In our case, I'd long prepared for an encounter like that and prepared his room to be a sanctuary. More over, that spirit, despite the terrifying encounter, was not dangerous. It wasnt trying to hurt us. Hell, it may not have even really known we were there.

The face i saw as i shut the door wasn't one of a monster coming to drag us into Hell. It was a spirit that has yet been able to come to rest. A person who was suffering in an unimagineable way...

I wasnt able to help that soul. I was to young, inexperienced and immature. I can do plenty for myself in those capacities, but back then I was still just a kid playing with ghosts and honestly, I still feel awful about that...

The dead deserve more than the living provide, which is foolish when you consider that we're all going to die. Understanding is the very least we can do...the very beginning of honoring the dead. ^^

And for those of you spooked out? Just remember this; The dead cannot affect the living, unless you empower them. Basically, when you fear a spirit, you give that spirit fear to use against you. Therefore, mindfullness and perspective are your greatest protections against paranormal and metaphysical assault. ^^


Halloween comes early! Been waiting for new Grave Stories since the last upload.