Marxism And The Church

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Isaiah Institute Restoring The Covenant Virtual Conference -

Dan Ellsworth and Greg have had several discussions on Marxist thought. This discussion focuses on Dan's latest book, Marxism, A Latter-day Saint Perspective. They cover the DNA of Marxism to today's ideological movements such as DEI, Critical Race Theory, and Queer Theory.

We also discuss Marxism and the Church. Dan's book shows the vast differences between these modern Marxist offshoots and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Dan also boldly claims that Marxism is the "Great And Abominable Church" described in the Book of Mormon.

Previous discussions with Dan Ellsworth on Marxism -

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I studied Marxism while getting my degree in Economics. There I learned Marxism taught equity of outcome. In Moses 4:1 Satan says, “… Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor”. Satan was the original Marxist when he said, “I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost”. The concept of “no soul being lost” is known as “equity of outcome”. Equity of outcome is what God rejected in the pre-existence. Equity in outcome is the keystone of Marxism. Equity in outcome can only be achieved through the elimination of free agency.


I've studied and considered Marxism for over 30 years. This is one of the best discussions on the topic I have ever heard. Thank you brothers!


Greg! How about that Holland talk? Felt like he was saying quit with the teddy bear Jesus! Denying the justice will deny his mercy where repentance is found!


I immediately think of “Hope and Change” without any definition and how politically desirable that slogan was.


I spent a lot of time reading books and then studying this topic. I was inspired by members claiming that the United Order is basically Marxism. A few years ago I wrote a paper comparing the two and I came to the conclusion that Marxism is a wolf in sheep's clothing when comparing to the United Order. The in fact are opposites. Just a few points to compare the differences.

United Order: Marxism:
- Voluntarily chose to live the Law of Concertation - Forced to live Communism by external force and power of the state
- Spirit of United Order: Giving - Spirit of Communism: Taking
- Believe in freedom to choose and make decisions for oneself - Restrict freedom and forced into decisions made for them
- Believe in being righteous and morally clean (a requirement) - “Ends justify the means” no matter the laws or morals that need to be disregarded
- Believe in changing the individual who then changes their environment (Inside Out) - Believe in changing the environment which will force the individual to change (Outside In)
- If you leave/fall away the individual keeps their inheritance and is free to leave - If you leave/ try to fight communism you are severely punished
- Believe in strengthening the Family as basic unit of society - Encourage the breakdown of the family and loyalty only to communist party
- Promotes God and recognizes that all things come from God - Not all Communists are Atheists, but Communism strives to remove God and religion
- Non-Political - Tool for political power both in theory and practice
- Operates on principles of private ownership and individual management - Operates on principles of government ownership and management
(includes deed of ownership); stewardship treated as private property (D&C 51:4)
- Lord’s program for eliminating the inequalities and selfishness among men - Man’s program for eliminating the inequalities and selfishness among men


Thank you again Brother. I see it happening, that creeping in Marxism in communities. Such a cheap and easy temptation to have free things or, “It’s free!” And people flock to whatever that free thing is. Reminds me of that scripture “I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it”. Always the temptation for free free free. Nothing is free, the journey is about building character, gaining experience. “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth”… alright I’m off my soap box now.


*_27:40_**_ "The discussion around Marxism is NOT politics. It is not a political discussion. I am not telling anyone who to vote for. It's a purely spiritual discussion. It is not about politics. It is about the soul. What does it do to your soul. What does it do to organizations."_*
Exactly. It is important to be able to identify the Marxist mindset that is subtly ensconced in individuals, organizations and movements.
*_"We must war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of the state, of country, of patriotism. The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed." --Karl Marx, 1848_*


30ish years ago at WSU (Weber State) I decided to major in History (teaching) I saw a trend of Progressivism, and outright championing of Marxist ideals. It bugged me enough to want to expose it. Hundreds of hours of research, I figured it out. I was mocked mercilessly in classes. "Communism is OVER!" ('93-'98). That only made me louder. I wrote a few of my papers on it, including my Capstone/Thesis. My Russian History Professor, (A closet Conservative by her own admission) said my thesis was A grade work. The History Department Head threatened to fail me because of my topic. "I have never seen anything like this!" He was seething. I got 70% on the capstone. The saddest thing was watching the young members be brainwashed and totally embrace it. I am recently retired (High School Teacher). Throughout my career, most of my students could articulate what real Socialism/Marxism is, and why it is evil. Satan's plan on earth.


I just ordered three copies of Dan's book: one for myself and two as gifts. This is information we all need to understand. I watched your last video on this topic several times and I will do the same with this one. Thank you, Greg, for helping us open our eyes!

I loved this discussion. I once tried to articulate my thoughts on this very topic in a journal entry but couldn’t quite put my thoughts into words the way I wanted it. This discussion was excellent. Thank you. I have ordered the book and can’t wait.


I’m glad the men of the church are finally starting to be men again like they were during my father’s time. They didn’t pussyfoot around anything.


i would recommend anyone here to read Cleon Skousen's book, "The Naked Communist" still today, it is one of the best expose's on communism.


Best quote ever about Entitlements: "In response to the question asked by Dominic Guido of McKeesport, PA: 'Is everyone in the world entitled to have his or her basic needs met? If so, how would you achieve this? If not why not?' ... in Parade Magazine, Ask Marilyn, 12/31/95, Marilyn Vos Savant said, 'Entitled by what authority? No, I don't think we are. How can we live in freedom and maintain that we're entitled to anything that we can't get without the labor of others? Remember, if we're entitled to the labor of others, that makes slaves of those others.'"
Marilyn Vos Savant, (IQ: 186-228)
Ms. Savant is the smartest woman who has ever walked Earth and listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for five years under "Highest IQ."


Excellent! Just ordered the book. Thank you both for bringing this awareness, over and over 🙏


Correction: "When all you have is a hammer (and sickle), everything looks like a nail."


About ten years ago, I was the elder's quorum president in my ward, and in a session/discussion, I brought up the concept that the war in heaven continues on the earth. I was met with blank stares. What is even more mind blowing is that those who choose one side over another, whether is be an election, the American revolution, etc, and those who are fence sitters always, almost without exception divide into 1/3, 1/3, 1/3. So then how do you reconcile that there must needs be opposition in all things? It seems to me that all of this is by design, and the good and the bad are necessary somehow. After all, the serpent was the most cunning of the beasts of the field that God had created...


Excellent discussion Greg and Dan! “Come let us reason together” and distinguish the good from the evil within the “secular philosophies of men” mingled with scripture.


I’ve pointed this out before in the comments of this channel before, and I know talk of Korihor rubs Greg the wrong way, but I’m going to say it again. Alma 30 could not be a better description of modern Marxism. It so clearly outlines the products of Marxist thinking that it is rather stunning and ought to be used in refuting Marxism in the Church all the time.


Excellent discussion. For additional information on the Woke Marxist connection I’d highly recommend viewing Dr James Lindsey’s address to a European Parliament (conservative group here on YouTube).


Look up, Ezra Taft Benson, Our Immediate Responsibilty. A talk given at BYU in 1966. 95 percent of members are not living up to his words. We must stand up and apeak out. It is our duty.
