Kingdom Hearts’ Timeline is a Paradox

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Of course it's a paradox. Paradoxes are an inherent bi-product of time travel.


I like to view MoM’s BoP as a record of a time spiral. MoM looks to the future, locking it into place, someone intentionally breaks MoM’s timeline, this then creates a branch, which MoM then writes into another BoP, each iteration creates a new timelocked Worldline kept separate from the prior iterations, this loop spirals infinitely until MoM finds a Worldline that holds the conditions he seeks, then MoM time travels forward into that chosen Worldline and starts a new timeloop in the future making sure it goes as they desire. Most of the Worldlines end with Darkness consuming everything, getting rid of the clutter for MoM, so long as Unreality doesn’t breach containment before becoming optimal


What I see about the BoP is probably more of the self-fulfilling kind.

As long as it's not "written", the future can be anything. He just has to write the correct words in a certain manner so even knowing about them doesn't change the result. Or purposefully omitting information so that information doesn't bleed into the cause and effect. So he could've basically crafted a self fulfilling prophecy by hand just by carefully saying and shutting up about what he knows.


Bro I just finished DDD yesterday and watched kh chi and back cover today and my mind is blown about how crazy this story has gotten… and the fact that the most important parts was tied to a mobile game lol


That scene where the Master of Masters breaks the stem of that dandelion actually demonstrates way more than it might seem at first glance. If you think of time as a straight line going forward, one follows the "stem" up towards the flower... the future.

But the Master of Masters allows the Keyblade War to happen, and through a select group of chosen individuals, he creates a new flower... a new timeline, by severing the current one and allowing it to be destroyed. The flower which was severed is now a parallel yet separate world, not a timeline so much as a "worldline" if you will.

It's brilliant... and horrific. He allowed an entire reality to come to a cataclysmic end, just to manipulate the outcome.


man...this is reigniting my hype for KH4...I hope we get news in 2025 for it at least


Luxu is the traitor because he went beyond what his role was. All he was supposed to do was watch everything unfold and make sure he passed No Name down to someone. He was *not* told to body hop into those same people, ensuring the Keyblade would always come back to him one way or another.


This is all on the assumption that time isn't a fixed and closed cycle. Because if it is a closed cycle, then there is no paradox because this is how it always is.
It assumes that MOM hasn't done this cycle hundreds or thousands of times finding the best resolution. Included in this is the assumption that MOM is right in the first place, and that he wrote the book. If someone else wrote the book, then MOM is just following the script. That also assumes the final passage wasn't long since past by the time Sora comes along or if it has even happened.
But the most harmful assumption is that MOM is telling the truth.
"Xigbar" didn't die in that scene. I will argue that one until I'm blue in the face. Unlike every other enemy during the rush to Xehanort, he "dies" off screen. And he never was a traitor, only called it. It was a tool to get the Foretellers to fight amongst themselves, this is easy to see in human psychology with every guard/prisoner experiment that has occurred, every witch hunt, and ect.
MOM is playing the long game, the very long game. Since the Foretellers believe the BOP is prescriptive(it will happen), they follow it. Granted we don't know how long it really took for them to start going at each other, but they still do, why? Because they were told one of them is a traitor. And it all comes back to what they are told and they believe the BOP without a second question.
Something people have pointed out to me and my cynicism is that no one has been seen lying. Except we have, Luxu lies constantly to move people into position, lies about who he is, and we don't know how many lies by omission. It why people believe Maleficent from the first game that she KNOWS Riku is the keyblade master when she had no idea. Not supposed to be its wielder, but the keyblade master. (She was really just pumping up his ego and no one has proved me wrong since the Kingdom Key choose Sora twice in that game.) (That isn't even getting into the deep lore of the first keyblade or how sentient the keyblades are.) So if one character is lying, Luxu, then other characters might be lying.
Sorry for the tangent and long message.


Thumbnail alone is saucy, but the video itself had really compelling scripting and transitions. A great summary of Luxu's internal dialogue and angst. The most tragic character in the series, bar none. 👌


I am almost done playing through 3 again, steam release and all that, now more than ever, I am convinced that luxord is the player re-reincarnated. Xemnas claims he is one of the original org members chosen for his keyblade of the past, “you play the game quite well” being his defeat line in 2, his lines to vexen in 3, the wild card, and a few other things.


Well this raises a lot of possibilities


The characters within both sides of reality have a huge war ahead if they want to survive and bring an end to darkness once and for all, or lime you said, delay it for another long time. As long as hope drives them, no matter how much one suffers, it'll be worth it... I hope.
This is perhaps your greatest video yet! I really liked it!


I am watching this and I just realize, the traitor in Luxu's titile isn't due to him betraying the master, but all others around him for his cause. 'Cause AVA is the betrayer of the masters will. Choosing of her own, instead of the end of what the master initially told her to do.


I love that cut with the part 2 the victims luxu AKA xigbar


Mmm I love the narration and transitions for this. Always a pleasure (vote for more). I'm also seeing how Versus XIII connects with that light of expiring souls remark much better.


I'm so glad you finally released this video, I can see how much work you put into it. But it is making me question luxus motives even more, like pre role luxu was the kinda of guy who wouldn't ever want to hurt anyone, and yet it seems after all those lifetimes he became distant from who he once was, or was that all a facade?


Forgive the snark, but...

Of course it's a time paradox. Welcome to Final Fantasy.


This is actively explained in Chain of Memories when Young Xehanort time travels forward into the future to meet up with Xigbar, as well as Dark Riku/Riku Replica returning from the past in 3


Yen Sid sent mickey to Scala, so is Scala still in their current time? Or is mickey going to the past to get there ?


I’m still trying to figure out if in KH we’re still in the dream simulation or not
