Worried About AFM theory: A Guide to master it.

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Complete Guide
1. Don’t state the assumptions, discuss it. General discussion will not earn marks for you.
2. Always link you answers with the scenario, otherwise you will unable to score.
3. Theory should not be very brief. As a general rule candidates should try to make one point per mark available although there is quite often up to two marks available for a point that is well developed.
4. Candidates who generate assumptions not specifically given in the scenario are likely to earn more credit.
5. Go one step further and identify where it would be useful to have further analysis or information
6. Equally candidates should consider the implication if some of the assumptions were to prove inaccurate
7. Proper labeling
Candidates who try to structure their answers in this way tend to earn more of the technical marks available as they are much better placed to answer the question posed and also tend to earn more of the professional skills marks available.
8. Analysis and evaluation: comprehensive and well-structured numerical analysis for their calculations) and using this analysis to support their discussion
9. Skepticism
provide an effective challenge to the information in the scenario. An example of effective skepticism might have involved challenging the accuracy of the forecast information and its impact on the final valuation.
10. Commercial acumen
candidates are expected to use the information in the scenario to draw evidence that relates to the organizational context or take any other practical commercial considerations into account.
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