Simple wardrobe: 33 things for more happiness, less stress

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Valentina Thörner da Cruz limits her wardrobe to 33 pieces of clothing for 3 months. People have dressed with less (other wardrobe diets include: 6 items or less challenge, 10-item capsule wardrobe, 1 little brown dress for 1 year), but Project 333 (started by Valentina's friend Courtney Carver) counts shoes, jewelry, outerwear, and accessories and they're not targeting minimalists.

Given studies that show that women use only about 20% of their wardrobe, shrinking your wardrobe is just a way to remove unnecessary clutter and eliminate stress.

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This video is still so current. Valentina knows what works for her. For those wondering what to do for a work vs. personal wardrobe, you can have 2 different, but perhaps 'linked' wardrobes. Thank you Kirsten.


I have about 45 clothing items and that seems just about right for me. :) They key is not to worry about an exact number, but what actually works for you. There are also things I only occasionally wear, like for Ren faires, but I love to bits. I definitely don't need or want any more than what I have. Doing a no-buy is such a great idea!


Doesn't matter if anyone else doesn't like the colors of her wardrobe here. She wears them, not anyone else. As long as he likes the items, that's all that matters. It's her money!

Some people are so rude. It was nice of her to open her home and show us her minimalist journey.


I love it! Despite many of the negative comments below, i think she is beautiful and looked great in most of her choices. I agree with what she says, if you only have 33 items, you would pay much more attention. This sounds like a fun experiment, in which I think you could learn about yourself. I am going to take a new look at my closet with this in mind.


Beautiful woman. The minimalist idea is very appealing to me. My life is so cluttered. I have hundreds of clothing items, but probably only use a couple dozen. This channel is inspiring. I'm enjoying all of the videos. Big thumbs up! Stumbled onto here because I'm the metal fabricator for the treesort.


I absolutely love this video. I just bought a mobile home with a nice, but small closet and have been frustrated because I have so many clothes squished together. Now it will be much easier for me to part with many items I no longer wear or need. Thank you so very much!


Includes shoes, jewelry, outerwear and accessories, but not underwear. Though it's probably less about the number and more about the idea of just not having too much clutter in your closet/drawers so you can't find the things you really like.


I love this video, I saw if for the first time almost 6 years ago and it changed my life. It inspired me to change my life and think about what I have and what I consume. We are now minimalists and happy. This video set me out on a path that challenges the norm and I thank God constantly for the journey I am on. That we live small and we live minimal and our future will be better for it.


I love the colors & her clothes. I am working towards 33 items however I have a lot of accessories & scarves. Living in Texas it is quite warm here. I prefer light colors, white and colors that compliment my coloring. I'm a nurse do this wardrobe would work for me. I love all the tissue weight items.


When I was living in Seville, I came over with a limited wardrobe. At first I was mentally moaning about it, but I soon adapted to the idea of making use of what I had, only adding items that completed my options with what I already had. In the end, I loved it! Looking at a functional wardrobe is much more uplifting than wading through clutter you no longer use


I did the experiment two years ago and since then I have only 33 items. Because I like dresses, I don't need to combine anything.


You hit the nail on the head! I don't consider myself to be the most stylish person but as I've matured I've been able to more whittle down what I really like, what really says "me, " and what I can really live without. It's an on-going process and I'm no pro at it but I've found that as I "edit" my wardrobe and accessories (purses, shoes, jewelry) I'm editing myself as well. It's refreshing, motivating, and makes me feel more secure in who I am :) I really liked your comments :)


I love this concept. I try to go through my clothing yearly to downsize it and donate the items. My husband also did this for the first time recently and now he knows what he has /needs to replace or not.


This is much more do-able for summer clothes. I live in a climate with 8 mos of chilly weather, so the majority of what I have is used for layering and need of the best quality for the outdoor activities that I love. I do have a lot of this type of item. I think it's a great idea to go through things on a regular basis and donate what is not being used though. I only replace items if I really need them.


I have over 300 pairs of designer shoes and this is happiness for me. 
But when I travel abroad, I can take just my hand luggage and stay out 3 weeks just with it (in summer), and this is happiness for me too. The best of both worlds.


I wear only 5 dresses-a new one for mon-fri to work. Plus two cardigans. Two pair of boots. Several nylons. One outerwear, a hat, gloves, a scarf. Socks too. I don't count them and my langerie and my clothes for home and sport. Oh, and jewelry. 16 items without jewelry. And jeans, a sweater and a turtleneck for weekends. 19 total.


Capsule wardrobe well explained!!!Thank you for sharing!!!


I've found out about this concept yesterday while browsing a minimalist blog, and it struck me that I only wear less than 33 items regularly. I've recently moved from a large apartment that I've lived in for more than 6 years to a smaller house. The number of stuff I realized we had scared me. How can 3 people accumulate so much stuff! Although I'm always purging and giving away things, I still feel that we own too many things. Doing this again this week. Thanks for the inspiration


I purged 33 tops from my wardrobe while I watched. I'm working on bottoms now, although I don't have many any more, since I watched this the first time. I wear 4 pairs of shoes because of the climate here and where I travel, but I can 'rent' something from a thrift store other than shoes and underwear. If I don't wear it in a year, out it goes. If something new comes in, I reevaluate what it should replace.
I absolutely love it when something wears out and I can cut it up and use the good pieces for something else.


I am a true minimalist and including underwear, and everything, I have maybe 60 individual pieces. It's more than I would normally have since my current job requires me to have more, but I am also a Ultralight backpacker so a lot of those clothes cross over into my everyday wardrobe as well and I count them in that number. I find this challenge interesting because it doesn't focus on minimalists specifically. I wonder how many people keep it going after the 3 months!
