Andrei Linde - Will the Universe Ever End?

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What does it mean to ask about the end of the universe? Can the universe even have an end? What would end? In the far, far future, what happens to stars, galaxies, and black holes? What about mass and energy, even space and time? What's the 'Big Crunch' and the 'Big Rip'? And what if there are multiple universes, will the multiverse ever end?

Andrei Dmitriyevich Linde is a Russian-American theoretical physicist and the Harald Trap Friis Professor of Physics at Stanford University.

Closer to Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.
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"As we begin to speculate what the f...." thought that was about to go in another direction.


I've never heard of this theory before and I've read a lot of books on the topic...the extra dimensions get suddenly bigger? Interesting...


Are there areas of two dimensions, one dimension, and even zero dimension in universe?


Я человек простой, вижу Линде - ставлю лайк.


That which is always but not strictly so in the same form...


“All models are wrong, but some are useful” George E. P. Box
We are still waiting to see if String theory model is useful.


You should have asked this question from Alan Guth.


The present universe is only a temporary manifestation. The real question is: Will existence ever end? Parmenides said a big fat "NO" and I agree.


It ended last Thursday. You must have missed it.


His theory is based on the big bang.
We don't even know where we are positioned in the universe and if we are taking part in the so called expansion.
Our universe as we know it is gigantic, so how can there be multiverses within or aside our universe? we are studying with the JWST the theoretical beginning since a big bang, how about observing the other side where our planet is positioned and look beyond to discover what or where is at an infinite distance in the other direction, that may answer or question new views to the topic.
I mean, we only focus on the theoretical big bang. We have learned a lot from the observations, we might learn a lot too in the other direction.


Surely if parts of the universe expand forever infinitely then the same version and every variation of the currrent universe will be created again, including us an infinite amount of times


People also miss this point. Special relativity shows that time does not exist in the way we think of it intuitively. Since there is no universal "now" and all reference frames have validity, this means all of "time" must already exist and must so eternally. That would mean the block model of the universe is more accurate to how reality is. The past never "disappears." and the future never is created, both already exist simultaneously. So to think of an "end" of the universe depends on an anthropocentric view of time to begin with. The block universe isn't ever going to disappear. That far future state of "heat death" or the big crunch, big rip, those events if they will happenin, then they already exist and already have their locations in spacetime right now. But it means nothing as what the universe is, with all its events in space time is still there and always will be.


Amount of matter increases. It will end up with a huge lightball


😊Very interesting discussion, life will never finish but we want we should also be there forever to see that all 😂😇


what if consciousness is also one of those squeezed dimensions


The universe originally exists unconditional and never can be falsified.


This is what John Horgan rightfully calls ironic science!


Per our modern physics laws the Universe cannot end per say. Matter cannot be created or destroyed just altered or changed in respective state.


The universe has an end, because the universe began at one place and time. If there is a cause, there is a result. If there is a beginning, there is also a destination.
It means that the universe moves according to this law. Everything that happens in the time range has an end. The one who came first will go back to where it started. First time was created, then came space, then came earth. Time means an eternal drop of water. Space and Earth are from the invisible world to the visible world. That is, they are the manifestation of the information world. For example, human existence is not the external body, the human body is only a manifestation of the internal body. The universe is the same..
The universe is like the human body, it contains many things, the human body contains many billions and trillions of cells that give life, and the universe also contains many clusters of stars, the galaxy. Everything that man has a universe has it too. Everything that exists in the universe, humans have those elements in another form. The universe is a manifestation of another invisible world,
The universe ends its life. Because the universe is used to express the information world not itself., Whenever the outer body of man perishes, the universe also perishes. because both have the beginning and as a result they will have an end.
However, coming to the creation accounts, It all started with a word of information. the laws that make this universe run, everything is in law and order. When it comes to discovery accounts or innovation
All things created by humans are the result of the human mind, In the same way, the universe was in the Creator's thought, just as we transform the thought in our mind into action,
We can bring the ideas we think in our minds to action through gradual change research. Why is it said that man is a limited creature, and since we live in a fallen world in a physical world, it means that we must translate and implement what we think through movement and work፣, when we come to creator.
In the same way, the universe was in the Creator's thought, just as we transform the thought in our mind into action, the Creator created the universe by action, but the difference is that the Creator can create the idea that He is. Thinking in words.
When we talk about time, time is between the eternal past and the future. That is, if we start from eternity past --- -10.
9 - 8-7 -6 -5 - 4 -3 -2 -1 and 0 in the middle is time +1 + 2 + 3. + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7. + 8 + 9 + 10 +++ Future Eternity.
God lives forever in time and eternity in the past and future, but for us as humans. We live in a time zone of zero time. We live only in the present time.
The reason God lives past, present and future is because God is NOW and NEW.
Man is born in time zone, so man was not -5-4-3-2-1 before, he lives in time zone 0, but if he has the "seed" that allows for eternal life after death, he will live forever in the future (+) +1 +2 + 3 + 4 +5 ---
But the time zone lifetime is zero or transient. Now I understand temporary means
0 Just hovering around Zero. The reason man lives in the temporal zone is because man was created in a temporal physical body.
When man lives on earth, he is in 0 time zone. I thought it would be a good idea to use the number 8 to understand more about the past, present and future. on # 8 both circular lines we see two circles above and below like 0. If we call the # 8 circular line the middle of the time, the middle 8 above is the eternal past and the circle in the middle 8 below is the eternal future and the line between the 8 can be called the time zone.
Not only this, but if we turn the number 8 upside down, we will find the symbol of infinity. We can find a scientific symbol of infinity, infinity symbol 8 ( ∞ ) ( - ∞), eternity past eternity፣ ( ∞ +), eternity future and we can consider 0 as a time period. Surprisingly, understanding the numbers in the scriptures, 8 means eternity. 7 means rest. 6 is the day when the whole creation was


As we (i. e., the multi universe we propose we most likely live in) are very likely no more than a tentacle on a tentacle's tentacle's tentacle in a superverse of trillions of trillions of trillions other similarly tentacled systems, which themselves are no more than a tentacle on a tentacle's tentacle --- the question is kind of moot. We may continue on or not. Regardless (imo), whatever all this is _will_ continue on.... Whether with us or without us is kind of up to us.
