Deploy React + Express Node App To Heroku In ⭐ 4 MINS
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A quick tutorial on how to deploy react + node app to Heroku in a few easy steps.
0:00 Intro
0:13 Setting up the folders
0:24 Making a build version of the react app
1:10 Using dynamic Port
1:28 Scripts
2:09 Remove .git from react folder
2:19 Make App on Heroku
2:31 Push all the changes
3:00 Deployed Node App
3:12 Display the react app
4:00 Deployed
0:00 Intro
0:13 Setting up the folders
0:24 Making a build version of the react app
1:10 Using dynamic Port
1:28 Scripts
2:09 Remove .git from react folder
2:19 Make App on Heroku
2:31 Push all the changes
3:00 Deployed Node App
3:12 Display the react app
4:00 Deployed
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