Deploy React and NodeJS on Linux

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In this video you will learn how to setup a Linux server to host your React + NodeJS application from scratch. This video uses Ubuntu with NVM for providing the NodeJS runtime, PM2 to kee our applications running, and Nginx as a reverse proxy to provide scalability and SSL termination.
I also share with you why I *rarely* use this configuration for my own apps, and what I do instead.
——————————🎥 C H A P T E R S ——————————
0:00 Introduction
1:52 Application overview
2:42 SSH into our Linux server
3:58 Create a user account for nodejs
6:10 Git the code for our applications
6:55 Install NodeJS
8:30 Install application dependencies
9:49 Use PM2 to keep our apps running
13:40 Start PM2 at boot time
15:20 Installing nginx
18:39 Verify our setup
22:30 Troubleshooting connectivity issues
24:30 Setting up SSL on nginx
25:50 When to use this setup
28:30 Other ways to deploy
——————————👋 C O N N E C T ——————————
——————————🛠 R E S O U R C E S ——————————
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