Ideal Body Position For 65cc Riders | Dirt Bike Riding Tip #dirtbike #motocross #motorcycle

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#motocross #dirtbike #motolife

The hardest thing about improving your riding technique is breaking bad habits. The longer you’ve been riding a certain way, it will become your default position. We see this all the time with riders that do really well in our drills but as soon as they push the pace a little bit they fall back into their default riding position and their bike control takes a turn for the worse.

The best way to not form bad habits is to learn the right techniques early on. In all our classes we focus a lot on the fundamentals before we start riding more technical terrain, especially when we train young riders.

This rider did a great job with his body position when he was sitting down but as soon as he stood up he made the very common mistake of leaving a gap between his foot and the frame as well as riding on his heels. In order for him not to stand on his rear brake pedal or the shift lever, he has to turn his feet out. This will lead to his knees turning out and him giving up even more control of the bike.

1. Make sure to ride on the balls of your feet which will allow you to drop your heels.
2. Turn in your toes and close the gap between your boot and the frame.
3. Control the bike with your lower legs and ankles by squeezing the frame and the number plates/ air box.
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