13 AMAZING Health Benefits of BLACK SEEDS, (Kalonji or Nigella Seeds) For Skin, Hair & Weight loss
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The kalonji, also known as black seed or nigella seed, is an interesting spice – it adds a beautiful aroma to soups, roasted vegetables, and curries, and a hint of unique flavour that you won’t find from any other spice or seasoning. It’s most popular in India, though it’s becoming more widely available in other countries.
Flavour and aroma aside, black seed comes with a whole lot of health benefits. It’s packed full of trace elements, vitamins, amino acids, proteins and fatty acids, iron, sodium, potassium and calcium.
It keeps your heart healthy, addresses breathing problems, lubricates your joints, and is known to have anti-carcinogenic properties. That’s quite a lot for a seed of such a small size! In fact, if you keep a bottle of kalonji oil at home, you can use it for plenty of things to boost your health and take care of niggling problems. Let’s look in more detail at some of the best benefits of kalonji.
1. Fights Acne
Sweet lime juice and kalonji oil together can fix many skin problems. For every cup of sweet lime juice, you’ll need about half a teaspoon of kalonji oil. The oil is anti-bacterial in nature and when applied on the skin may prevent acne by fighting off skin infections. Apply it twice a day on your face and watch your blemishes and acne disappear. Just make sure you dilute it with a carrier oil if you choose not to use lime juice, as it may be too potent when used as it is.
2. Softens and Smooths Cracked Skin
Cracked heels can be an intimidating and embarrassing problem, especially for those who have excessively dry skin. But if you keep a stock of black seed or seed oil handy, you can use it to treat cracked heels and naturally get rid of the issue for good. Just apply kalonji seed powder or oil onto the affected area to clear the cracks. You can also mix Kalonji oil with lemon juice and massage it onto the sole. This mixture not only clears bacteria but also softens the skin
3. Keeps a Check on Diabetes
This is probably one of the most known benefits of kalonji. If you already have diabetes, kalonji oil can help to manage it. Research shows that taking black seed can improve blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Black seed might also improve levels of cholesterol and prevent high blood pressure for diabetic people. Add half a teaspoon of black seed oil in a cup of black tea every morning, and you should notice a positive change to your health in a matter of a few weeks.
4. Promotes Hair Growth
Black seed oil is thought to naturally restore hair growth in thinning areas thanks to its high concentration of a powerful antihistamine. Antihistamines are often prescribed to alopecia patients to help regrow hair, but you can get the same benefits from black seed oil – a completely natural product.
As black seed oil is 100 percent pure and unrefined, you’ll need to dilute it in another carrier oil, like coconut or olive oil, because it’s too potent on its own. When diluted, it can be used directly on the scalp to reduce inflammation, stimulate hair growth and reduce flakiness and sensitivity. Just massage 1-part black seed oil with 2 parts olive oil vigorously onto your areas of thinning hair to encourage hair growth. Rinse out afterwards with a cleansing conditioner.
5. Increases Memory
Ground kalonji seeds with a little bit of honey is known to boost memory. In fact, research has found that consistent use of black seed significantly improves brain function associated with cognitive function, depression, epilepsy, and memory. Black seed also prevents inflammation because it’s especially loaded with polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for protecting nervous system against any neuronal injury or disorders.
6. Alleviates Asthma
The same black seed/honey mix can be added to warm water, and when you drink this formula, it also helps in alleviating breathing trouble, including asthma, in children and adults alike. But you need to do this is for at least 45 days, and avoid cold beverages and food during the period, so it’s a big commitment to sorting out your respiratory problems.
If you don’t want to spend too much time on potentially improving your health, simply cooking with black seed oil might be good enough for you to see a small difference. The anti-inflammatory effects of black seed oil may improve asthma symptoms by reducing inflammation in the airways. Experts think it may also help with bronchitis symptoms.
7. Gets Rid of Headaches
One of the most common problems in today’s time is headaches. Instead of popping a pill, rub kalonji oil on your forehead, relax, and wait for your headache to disappear. One of black seed’s first ever uses after being discovered hundreds of years ago was to cure headaches.
It’s thought that it can inhibit the inflammation of sinuses and respiratory airways, microbial infections and help reduce symptoms of a
Flavour and aroma aside, black seed comes with a whole lot of health benefits. It’s packed full of trace elements, vitamins, amino acids, proteins and fatty acids, iron, sodium, potassium and calcium.
It keeps your heart healthy, addresses breathing problems, lubricates your joints, and is known to have anti-carcinogenic properties. That’s quite a lot for a seed of such a small size! In fact, if you keep a bottle of kalonji oil at home, you can use it for plenty of things to boost your health and take care of niggling problems. Let’s look in more detail at some of the best benefits of kalonji.
1. Fights Acne
Sweet lime juice and kalonji oil together can fix many skin problems. For every cup of sweet lime juice, you’ll need about half a teaspoon of kalonji oil. The oil is anti-bacterial in nature and when applied on the skin may prevent acne by fighting off skin infections. Apply it twice a day on your face and watch your blemishes and acne disappear. Just make sure you dilute it with a carrier oil if you choose not to use lime juice, as it may be too potent when used as it is.
2. Softens and Smooths Cracked Skin
Cracked heels can be an intimidating and embarrassing problem, especially for those who have excessively dry skin. But if you keep a stock of black seed or seed oil handy, you can use it to treat cracked heels and naturally get rid of the issue for good. Just apply kalonji seed powder or oil onto the affected area to clear the cracks. You can also mix Kalonji oil with lemon juice and massage it onto the sole. This mixture not only clears bacteria but also softens the skin
3. Keeps a Check on Diabetes
This is probably one of the most known benefits of kalonji. If you already have diabetes, kalonji oil can help to manage it. Research shows that taking black seed can improve blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Black seed might also improve levels of cholesterol and prevent high blood pressure for diabetic people. Add half a teaspoon of black seed oil in a cup of black tea every morning, and you should notice a positive change to your health in a matter of a few weeks.
4. Promotes Hair Growth
Black seed oil is thought to naturally restore hair growth in thinning areas thanks to its high concentration of a powerful antihistamine. Antihistamines are often prescribed to alopecia patients to help regrow hair, but you can get the same benefits from black seed oil – a completely natural product.
As black seed oil is 100 percent pure and unrefined, you’ll need to dilute it in another carrier oil, like coconut or olive oil, because it’s too potent on its own. When diluted, it can be used directly on the scalp to reduce inflammation, stimulate hair growth and reduce flakiness and sensitivity. Just massage 1-part black seed oil with 2 parts olive oil vigorously onto your areas of thinning hair to encourage hair growth. Rinse out afterwards with a cleansing conditioner.
5. Increases Memory
Ground kalonji seeds with a little bit of honey is known to boost memory. In fact, research has found that consistent use of black seed significantly improves brain function associated with cognitive function, depression, epilepsy, and memory. Black seed also prevents inflammation because it’s especially loaded with polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for protecting nervous system against any neuronal injury or disorders.
6. Alleviates Asthma
The same black seed/honey mix can be added to warm water, and when you drink this formula, it also helps in alleviating breathing trouble, including asthma, in children and adults alike. But you need to do this is for at least 45 days, and avoid cold beverages and food during the period, so it’s a big commitment to sorting out your respiratory problems.
If you don’t want to spend too much time on potentially improving your health, simply cooking with black seed oil might be good enough for you to see a small difference. The anti-inflammatory effects of black seed oil may improve asthma symptoms by reducing inflammation in the airways. Experts think it may also help with bronchitis symptoms.
7. Gets Rid of Headaches
One of the most common problems in today’s time is headaches. Instead of popping a pill, rub kalonji oil on your forehead, relax, and wait for your headache to disappear. One of black seed’s first ever uses after being discovered hundreds of years ago was to cure headaches.
It’s thought that it can inhibit the inflammation of sinuses and respiratory airways, microbial infections and help reduce symptoms of a