ETERNALS: Every Plot Hole EXPLAINED + EGO's Origin and Is THANOS an Eternal? | Marvel Explained

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The Eternals is the next big evolution in the Marvel Cinematic Universe...but it left a lot of unanswered questions. Is Thanos an Eternal? Why was dane Whitman in the movie? Why Deviants? Why Kro? We answer all of your questions about how this movie relates the to greater MCU, and what we can expect next for the Eternals.

Edited by Harriet Lengel-Enright, Randolf Nombrado, and Katie Oliviero

#Eternals #PlotHoles
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Turning Sprite human is just a way to explain why the actress is older later.


"They have seen humanity survive multiple disasters: Wars, floods, New Kids on the Block." 🤣


It looks like Kro and Ajak's healing ability has to be actively used, it''s not automatic. You can see Kro in the film always turning on the power in order to use it.


Why was Ikarus able to easily cut their spaceship in half with his eye beams yet he has difficulty killing the Deviants with it? Seems like they should be powerful enough to vaporize them with one shot. Same with Thena, her sword was able to easily slice that head deviant into pieces at the end but during the fighting earlier she isn’t able to one strike the deviants. Seems like there was inconsistency in power being applied for convenience sake in the movie.


I get the reason they gave for Kingo not being part of the final fight, it just sucked cause every second he was around was a delight. What really sucked was not having Gilgamesh, Phastos, and Kingo on the screen at the same time for any real period of time. They are three brilliant and hilarious eternals with really cool powers and I'm sad that they weren't around each other more.


What if Ego was not a celestial and just a living planet. He wanted to figure out what he was and believed himself to be special, so he called himself a celestial?


Wouldn't Tiamut rising out of the ocean have created a giant tidal wave that would've flooded a huge area of neighboring lands? I mean, just his hand was bigger than the island. His entire body rising out of the ground & through the water would have a devastating impact.


I think The Eternals really get the MCU ready for Galactus, not just us the viewers but the people inside the MCU (the heroes). I mean after seeing a big robot pop out of the ground and seeing one just floating out in space no one is going to be surprised when something like that is going to want to eat their planet.


THE GREEN TABLET: "As for the Tablet, it’s the registry of sacred texts left behind by Hermes Trismegistus, a syncretic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. The Tablet supposedly contains the secrets of alchemy and the recipe for the philosopher’s stone, an artifact capable of giving its user eternal life." - Collider


It's always shown that Ajak's healing power requires a conscious use, through her hands, and that they're not activated automatically. Can't conciously use your ability if you're unconscious or, let's say, your brain in sliced in half, like Kro's. We always see Kro direct the palm of his hand to his wounds in order to heal.

Edit: So, I should've read the comments before because several people had already pointed this out.


Wasn't Sersi shown a production line of her synthetic copies of herself? So, the Celestials wouldn't need to save this Ikaris from burning. All they would have to do is pull one of the replicas and give it memories. That's why I wasn't too worried over those three. That's my theory and I do hope they are brought back.


I think people forget about travel time even on earth. The entire end sequence at the volcano takes place in about 15 real time minutes. So even if we assume this is before Spiderman Far From Home (they never really make it clear when exactly the movie takes place), the only hero who could realistically get to the Indian Ocean would have been Captain Marvel, but only if 1) she was on earth and 2) that if she knew that there was a huge fight between powered people at the time, 3) she was notified before the 15 minutes were up and 4) she new the exact location, and then she could have gotten there in time. There's just no way Bucky, Falcon/new Cap (if he even is New Cap at this time), Spider-man, Ant-man, etc. are getting there. Even Dr. Strange needs to know the exact location he is traveling if he teleports, which probably puts Wong and Strange on the sidelines too.


Fun movie with mostly forgivable plotholes. Most serious plot problem is you just can't have a giant stone marble Celestial taking up a huge chunk of Earth's interior down to its core without massive problems for Earth: gravity upsets, destroyed iron core of Earth that creates the planet's protective electromagnetic field so we don't all fry to death from the sun's radiation... y'know, science stuff. Just that Celestial popping outta the ocean floor would've created massive tsunamis smashing every coastal city in the hemisphere. (Of course I get that they needed to show at least some of the Celestial for dramatic story-telling.)

Equally big plot problem: If it only takes ONE populated planet to spawn a single Celestial who can then create an entire galaxy of new populated planets, and the only alternative is watching the universe slowly fade into death and darkness, then some rogue Eternals performing a Celestial-abortion are the biggest threat to the entire universe. Far greater than Thanos ever was or Kang could ever be. I ASSUME the writers have sketched out an improved plan for Celestial creation that doesn't involve mass genocide, and the Eternals' endgame will be to eventually shift Arishem's paradigm to that new method. Because otherwise, the Eternals are the GREATEST EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO THE ENTIRE MCU. By recruiting other Eternals to go rogue (which is where the Domo was headed at the end of the movie) and abort all new Celestial births, they'll literally doom the entire universe to extinction. (Apparently the currently existing Celestials are all outta new-galaxy-spinning juice.)

Fair warning: MCU needs to tighten up their universe-building narrative QUICK before they write themselves into a blackhole of paradoxical plots. They're FIRST venture into time travel and multiverse-building is already showing major cracks in the foundations. For example: where are the Celestials in Loki's end-of-time scenario where He-Who-Remains is chilling? That dude is nothing compared to the Celestials. There's no way he outlived all of them to be the very last sentient being in existence. Speaking of which, now we've defined these genuine all-powerful creator/judge Gods as purely just farming humans for Celestial baby food. Joke's on anyone religious in the MCU who thought "God" gave a fuck. (Captain America makes a reference to a Judeo-Christian "God" in Avengers 1, and Star-Lord mentions Jesus in Infinity War.) In their reality, people are actually nothing but livestock.

Thor is NOT defined as an actual god. They're very clear about that in the MCU. Asgardians are just another alien race who appeared to be gods to humans in medieval times because they were so advanced and long-lived. Celestials on the other hand... They created EVERYTHING. So they ARE the defined Gods of the MCU. Of course then you get into a chicken-egg paradox with Celestials and Planets and eventually have to introduce the One Above All as the Ultimate God of the MCU. Hope that whiteboard in the writer's room is crystal fuckin clear where they're going with all this, or else the entire MCU thread is gonna start unraveling pretty damn fast in the future. Once they cross the point of contradictory silliness beyond redemption, all their movies and TV shows will lose gravitas as meat for serious cultural discussion and most people will simply stop giving a fuck. Y'know... like exactly what happened to comic books.


So Eternals did nothing against Dormammu, who was ready to transfer Earth + a Celestial in his Dark Dimension. They simply let a doctor (dr Strange) to deal with the problem, despite being immature with his powers. Simply because there were no Deviants involved.


Ajak and Crow have to manually heal, they don't have a healing factor like Wolverine


I know some folks say this should've been a Disney Plus series, but I loved it started as a movie to leave us with many questions that could be dwelved into in a series.


The green tablet would clearly be the ‘emerald tablet’ associated with Hermès in alchemical traditions. Has nothing to do with Marvel per se as it is an actual historical legend in real life, but I’d imagine it could possibly have been inserted into the comic books.


The Emerald tablet(s) are a lost artifact that have been widely reported on throughout history. They are purported to be written by Thoth the Atlantean who also went by the name of Hermes who the Romans called Mercury which is (in the MCU, ) a corruption of Makkari.


Wasn't it implied that Deviants evolve absorbing traits from species they hunt? In the alien planet flashback, a Deviant had the traiths of a local predator.
