Love Letters from Incarcerated Mothers & Their Children | NowThis

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This Mother's Day in recognition of LOVE we uplift the millions of children who have been impacted by parental incarceration with Love Letters.

Introduced by Taylor Schilling (Orange Is The New Black), Love Letters is a digital project to highlight the unbreakable bond between a child and their incarcerated parent.

When a child is separated from a mother it traumatically impacts their life. We honor the children and families who experience parental incarceration.

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We should be admiring the kids doing well without moms.


What's that saying again? 🤔 oh yea, "dont do the crime if you cant do the time" just cuz you're a mom doesn't mean you shouldn't be held accountable for your actions, smh.


This made me crying!
Hey i'm just 10 yrs old and my mom is at work taking care of
people and I really love the job she's doing so every night I pray for
her. I say "God plz bless my mom all she done for us and thank you
for your forgiveness Amen." God Bless All Of You!


We are all human beings and we make mistakes so let’s do like JESUS did. He asked God the father to forgive his accusers for what they did to him. So I think if these women have been rehabilitated that they deserve forgiveness and a second chance to do something better in their lives!!


I'm over here like "Eh maybe stop breaking the law"


Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers who are currently incarcerated.To their children, we love you and will be there for you. May you find solace today.


Poverty is the crulest violence - love is eternal. I love you all so much. Thanks


Very touching. I'm not sure what they did to be in jail, but it's gross to see some of the comments. Many people end up in jail for non-violent crimes and have hope for rehabilitation. How many mothers are incarcerated for doing what is now legal in Colorado or DC, etc? Have some compassion.

On the other hand, yes, I also do feel for those who have been affected by crime and may have lost their own mothers at the hands of violent criminals. Wishing peace to them.


I’m one of the parents in this vid I went to prison for defending my son vs letting him be bullied which is the number one cause of suicide ...if there were defense laws I would have not reacted as a parent to protect my child. My time didn’t stunt the love growth between us simply made is stronger and they always know they can depend on me to protect them simple...def can’t depend on anyone else not even this crooked system 😘


This is nice & all but what about "highlighting" the moms that are there everyday or moms that can't be there because they're in the hospital? I have stage 4 kidney failure & left the hospital to be there for my son but guess that doesn't matter cause I wasn't in Prison!


Hopefully this encourages them to stay away from a life of crime


Maybe the point is that people shouldn't be rotting away in prison for petty crimes. Department of "corrections" isn't really working now is it? Time for something else.


Just an FYI... "Most women behind bars are mothers to minors, serving sentences for first time non-violent crimes."


Ah my good friend Christina is in this. ❤️


That was sad to watch praying for all the incarcerated mothers in the name of Jesus! ❤️


I know these women committed a crime or not but it's still sad that their child is missing their mother. Happy Mother's Day!


Wow. So many perfect people in the comment section, that walk on water, has never made a mistake, whom are perfectly capable of giving other people advice. They condemn these women, while staying down the street from the local registered pedophile. Smh.. I wish these beautiful women, and their strong children a happy mother's day. May love and compassion help them overcome this.


Don't care who they are, they shouldn't break the law. Good thing they do regret it, and hopefully their children grow up to be good people.


Not sure what the goal of this is. I feel bad for the kids, but are we to presume that NONE of these women should be incarcerated? The video doesn't even say why they are in there. The argument here is purely emotional.


Some people were prosocuted for things they havent done
