Down Syndrome babies MATTER.

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More than three times as many abortions occur in children with Down syndrome. Life starts in the WOMB.

#focusonthefamily #faith #marriage #parenting #prolife
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There was a young woman who worked at a grocery store that I frequented, and she spoke very loud and we knew that she was down syndrome. But one day she walked in the hair salon that I worked at and I cut her hair. As I was cutting her hair she asked me how old I was, and I answered I'm 65 years old. And immediately she said, oh you were born in 1954. I said how did you calculate that so quickly. She says I'm very mathematical. She says I not only work at the grocery store but I'm also part-time accountant. Never judge a book by its cover, this woman was actually genius in her area


I was a false-positive for Downs in the womb, and the doctor wanted my parents to abort. Even if I was born with it, I’d still be very thankful for my parents keeping me alive!


My daughter has Down Syndrome. I can remember being a scared new Mama (no kids prior) and my in-laws asked to come visit. I made lemonade and we all sat outside at the table. Little did I know that the purpose for their visit was to encourage me to get an abortion. I loved my baby from the first second her little seed was inside of me. She is a beautiful and intelligent young lady now. She speaks 3 different languages. There is plenty of love in the world to encourage parents and people with Down Syndrome. To the young lady on the video, I love you❤🤗🌟🙏🏻💯


I had a sister who had DS. She was absolutely the love, light and joy of our family! A bright light in the world was dimmed when our precious Patricia Ann passed away. We miss her so very much.


My daughter has downs and she is the most beautiful gift God has given me! I’m blessed to have her in my life.


I have a brother who’s Down Syndrome. He’s been living with me for 15 years. My favorite thing about him is how he never judges, hates, or shows unkindness to anyone. He is just pure love and acceptance. He doesn’t see what’s on the outside, but the inner beauty of everyone around him. There is never a day when he’s not smiling. His treatment of others is a perfect example of Gods love.


As a nurse, I take care of so many people. I will still tell you that patients with Downs Syndrome are my favorite. They have the purest souls. Keep your head up, young lady. You're beautiful, and the world is better because you are in it.


My husband was born with the worst case of club feet the doctors who operated on him had ever seen. His paternal grandmother tried to convince his mother to get an abortion when his deformity was found on the sonogram. It was certainly a journey that strained his parents financially, and my husband had 6 surgeries total, didn’t walk til he was 3, and had to be serial casted and use crutches until elementary school. But 21 years later he’s made a full recovery. He walks unaided, got all of his ASE certificates in highschool and became a mechanic at a local shop, and just got married last year (to mahself🥰). We are grateful his mother chose his life!


My word, she speaks more sense then those without downs syndrome ❤


I was offered a termination at 28 weeks gestation as my daughter was diagnosed with Down Syndrome in utero. I was horrified. I said to the Professor “she is wanted. She is loved. She is cherished. She has a place on this earth as much as you do”. The staff at the hospital never mentioned it again. My daughters name is Sophia and she is 13 years old 😊


My grandson was born with downs and we were all weeping when we found out because we were fearful of losing him! He was deeply loved before he was born..and when we were told after his birth changed nothing..he is still deeply loved ..a major light is our lives and as he roars t through the house playing dinosaur..we know we are blessed beyond reason to have him. He just turned three..he is and he full of fun and joy. He loves to wrestle for rowdy and rambunctious and none of us can imagine b our life without this precious little boy in it. Thank you for speaking out against abortion. Your are deeply loved and God created you just as you are and no one has the moral high ground to take the life that God granted you. God bless you ..and keep you safe always...


It’s nice that everybody has a nice example here, but there’re tragic stories too. The woman I know gave birth to a girl with down syndrome. Since then all her life is build around the child to help her develop and adapt. Nevertheless, being now 9 y.o. she can’t do anything by herself. Literally anything. She can’t speak, can’t eat, has so much triggers that almost anything can cause an outrage.
The other case I know are identical twins, who seem completely conscious and kind. But they cannot speak or move at all. From birth.
It’s hard to imagine what kind of life is that.
We must not forget about this kind of cases too


How beautifully articulate and intelligent she is. People really misinterpret ppl with downs. Happiest ppl on earth.


Girl I may not personally know you but feel loved, God knit you up in your mother's womb, He knows you by name and He has great plans for your life.❤


I grew up in the 60's and 70's. My neighbor had kids and one of them had Down's Syndrome. David was 4-5 yrs younger then myself. She had told me that they were advised to just put him in a home and go on with their lives. They didn't. That's their baby. He went on to finish high school, work and he even lived in a home with some other people. He did move back home cause he missed his momma 😊. He still lives next to me and doing just fine ❤


This woman is so beautiful, and she seems so sweet. When she said no one loves her, my heart shattered. I hope she knows now that so many people, including me, love her for her beauty!!! Inside and out. ❤


What a beautiful well spoken young lady. She's worth every bit of the life she has and she's a light in this current darkness. ❤


As a mom of a child with Down syndrome I will tell anyone out there that needs to hear it, she is the love of my life, the best gift our family was ever given! She is beautiful, loving, genuine, gentle, kind, and so worth the same opportunities and love anyone else is given.


This is the MOST BEAUTIFUL VIDEO I HAVE SEEN ON YOUTUBE!! To hear her speak truth !!! What a precious soul !!! We must value ALL BABIES


God bless her! Humanity is lucky to have her.

I was misdiagnosed with Down syndrome at 8 weeks of gestation due to a malfunction in the ecography equipment. The time window between the following ecography was more than enough to allow a few distant relatives with neither any prior knowledge of the pregnancy nor any medical expertise to insist that mom aborts me. Less than 3 weeks later, I turned out to have been completely healthy. I'm freshly 17 now and, in addition to majoring in international business, minoring in biomed next fall.
It's people like those relatives who shatter my faith in humanity, and wonderful souls like her who restore it to infinite folds.
