What is Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)? Down syndrome (Trisomy 21) Made Easy

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Down Syndrome (Down's Syndrome), also known as Trisomy 21 is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. This extra genetic material causes the developmental changes and physical features of Down syndrome.

In this video, we will explain what is trisomy 21 (down syndrome), what are the causes of trisomy 21, what are the main trisomy 21 symptoms, how common is trisomy 21, how many types of trisomy 21 are there, how is trisomy 21 diagnosed, and what is the treatment of trisomy 21.

For the convenience of viewers, we have divided the video into the following chapters:

00:00 What is Down syndrome? (Down syndrome meaning)

01:11 Down syndrome symptoms (Down syndrome features)

02:04 How common is Down Syndrome in the United States

02:23 Down Syndrome types (Types of down syndrome i.e. trisomy 21, translocated down syndrome, mosaic down syndrome)

03:42 Downs Syndrome diagnosis (Diagnosis of the down syndrome including trisomy 21 ultrasound and triple test for down syndrome)

05:29 Health problems caused by down syndrome

05:48 Treatment of down syndrome (Down syndrome treatment or trisomy 21 treatment)

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My son has Down, love him so much. Greatest gift I ever had


This is powerful 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 well explained


Sometimes no matter what tests u have done, this condition can go undetected. Friend had a baby boy she was only 32 and had all the pre natal tests done, as she had a few distant cousins with Downs syndrome. All the tests were apparently clear, but as soon as the baby was born it was obvious he had this syndrome, which was a huge shock for the family. Just be aware... tests are not always reliable


Clearly explained. Thank you very much


Sweet child. They are such loving humans


what is it about the extra chromosome stunts the development? I get that it’s an extra “genetic package” as they put it. But do we know why that causes the deformities?


Assalomu aleykum Man Ózbekistondan trisamiya 21 oldini olish uchun nima qilish 😔😔😔


Wow I never knew there was different levels of Down Syndrome I also never knew having a child after a certain age raises the risk


They’re so cute yet in some countries the family will send to a mental institute.


Hello I'm hasley I from Philippines I have a nephew who as a Down syndrome she is 4 years old now she can't even talk and can't caught up attention things what she sees around her even a person too


No nuchal thickening seen meaning plss


Physical differences don't account for the need of special education. Developmental delay is a result of insufficient attachment (rejection) from the primary attachment figure, same as in autism (which is caused by postpartum psychosis otherwise known as a wish for the child to become "unborn"). Not seeing or not hearing is the result of being left in the quiet dark. White spots on the iris from inadequate exposure to daylight in the postnatal period.

There will never be a prenatal screen for autism, but as there are several for down syndrome it seems to me the parents who neglect the test have their nerve but inevitably neglect the kid. Bet they sleep on their stomachs too right? Did that until hernia surgery in my 40s broke me of it. It's a defensive posture against a scowling or menacing mother and highly predictive of asphyxiation by SIDS. 4:1 male to female because psychotic individuals see others as extensions of themselves, so disturbed mothers have more trouble seeing sons as Mini-Mes.


I was midiagnosed with down's syndrome but once i was born it was all false.Thank god it was false otherwise I wouldn't be typing here😅


My Baby is walking he has down syndrome


My baby have down Syndrome 21 i LOVE my baby
