Auto Motor und Sport Kongress 2020 remarks by John Krafcik
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Waymo CEO John Krafcik recently spoke with Auto Motor und Sport Editor-in-Chief Birgit Priemir about our latest progress, including the expansion of our fully autonomous ride-hailing service #WaymoOne in Metro Phoenix. Anyone can download the Waymo app, select where they want to go, and the Waymo Driver will get them to their destination safely and reliably, no human required. This milestone is a direct result of our many years of experience developing the #WaymoDriver—and more than a decade developing best safety practices.
About Waymo:
Waymo is an autonomous driving technology company with a mission to make it safe and easy for people and things to move around. With the Waymo Driver, we can improve the world’s mobility while saving thousands of lives.
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About Waymo:
Waymo is an autonomous driving technology company with a mission to make it safe and easy for people and things to move around. With the Waymo Driver, we can improve the world’s mobility while saving thousands of lives.
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