🔴FASTER 5G Home Internet &Better PING with ext Router to Shape Packets for Max Speed #TMobile #TMHI

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TMobile Home Internet is fast, affordable and unlimited; here's how you make it even FASTER and run COOLER using an external router.

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Man, the production quality of your vids is awesome. The zooming to emphasize what you’re talking about is much appreciated. Moving from screens to screens is effortless. So glad I found this channel!


I just want to say thank you for making these videos. I purchased this router and turned off the radios on the gateway and my speeds are much faster now. The pings are about 15-20 now as well. My speeds are about 400mbps without external antennas so I don’t think I’ll go to that extent but thanks again for the tutorials


Peter, Thank you for your videos. I had to get rid of Suddenlink due to constant price hikes. I went with the T-Mobile Home internet, and I also bought a fan from Amazon because I had heat issues, signal instability, and interruptions. I replaced my TP-Link AC2300 with the Dynalink you recommended, changed the MTU value, turned off the TMO wifi broadcast, and although I did not see a huge difference instantly, one day later, I did! This may be because I did not know to turn off every ssid to prevent the TMO from broadcasting wifi. The TMO coffee can was cool as a cucumber at double the speeds up and down by the next day! Thank you for all your help!


Thanks Peter, for these video's they are a big help. I got rid spectrum and my family are so happy. our internet is fast and doesn't go out every hour. You rock!!!!


Yessir! I got the DL-WRX36 & setup the 1420 packet.Noticed a real difference. Worth the effort! Much snappier 👍🏻


Peter great video tutorials. I'm running the T-Mobile as a cellular modem only too, paired with an open firmware WRT1900, The only thing I haven't tried yet is to hack in the external antennas. Looking forward to see your solar setup when you get around to it too.


Peter, Thanks for this video. I was finally able to disable WiFi on the TMG. I also was able, thanks to your video, to connect the Dynalink router and set the MTU to 1420. Works great! Thanks, Rudy


Hey Peter, thanks for all the great videos… I purchased the Dynalink router and set the MTU at 1420…for my T-Mobile home internet… I was having issues since I work from home and there’s Global Protect VPN on my work laptop, which used to keep disconnecting here and there… today is the first day having connected router to my work laptop.. so far so good.. any suggestions you can provide will be greatly appreciated.


Peter, you are the best. Thank you so much for this video. It answers ALL of my questions. Been following you since the Kodi days, and you make everything so easy.


As a new T-Mobile user, I can’t say enough how much your videos have excites me about the possibilities. One thing I can’t quite seem to figure out though is this: they say their Gateway is compatible with modern wifi mesh units but give no instructions on what to do. Is it possible to not have to manually turn off the Gateway’s built-in wifi router and just plug in an external wifi router? If it’s possible, are you saying that disabling the built-in router would be most efficient so it doesn’t somehow conflict with the external unit? I’m not much of a tinkerer and afraid I’d configure something wrong. Hoping plug and play is a possibility. Lastly, is your garage temperature controlled? I thought of that as a location to store this hardware as well. Thank you SO much for your excellent content!!!


Thanks for diving into the details, much appreciated!


I just got the router today and we've seen a difference.

We have a brick building, so there's that limitation but it's managing the devices better and my upload speeds have gone from 3-5 mbps to 15-20mbps. I do creative directing (photo, video, design, etc) and auto syncing through Dropbox and such plus zoom calls, so this is a big much needed change. The MTU value change showed an immediate difference! Thank you! Subbed! 😎 🤘🏼 💜


Thanks for the info. I finally figured out how to set the MTU size on our Netgear Nighthawk router. So, we'll see how it goes.


Love your content keep up the good work man, I’ve watched every video and just switch my internet to T-Mobile 👍👍


Happy New Year Peter! Great channel and love what your doing. Today I will see about picking up one of thease gateways and see how it fairs in MI. If results look good, then I will purchase Amazon router for improved performance. Did a speed test with tmobile phone and found to average about 228mps/87.8mps down/up. This looks promising and will be so happy to move away from Comcast. Thank you again!

Have you thought about setting up a discord channel? Might make it easier to answer questions and have repository of information people can reference.


Sir thank you so much. This is exactly what I would hook up next week when I received my gateways.


“If they’re happy, that means it’s aces” The slogan of good IT guys everywhere!


I've had my Gateway set up for about 3 weeks. Played around with it quite a bit and the very best I can do is around 60 mbps. At times it's down in the single digits. I'm on band n41 and b2, have three bars on signal meter. I set up an external antenna, just a little guy, stolen blade antennas from my Pepwave Br1 Mk2 cellular router/modem on a pole about 10 feet in the air, and have a solid 3 sometimes 4 bars on the meter. Debating on spending the money on a panel antenna to see if it gets me into some serious speeds. My numbers say I should have better speeds than I do, so I'm kinda stumped. I live pretty close to several T-Mobile towers but not line of sight. What antenna would you recommend?


Hi Peter, thanks for all the research you share. I had the white box and they changed it to the gateway tower to get better reception. We also used the white box mobile so husband could work while camping. Are you saying that won’t work w the tower? If we had a vpn and the external modem w the gateway you mention would that work in the camper? I’ve also been looking at pepwave max duo/pepwave cat 20 to combine w the gateway thinking that would give me a better consistent signal combined w a parsec antenna? Any suggestions on the best configuration using the gateway mobile as well as home? Thanks


Peter, I am in the process of following your well explain procedure for increasing my speed on my T-Mobile gateway. I have the DYNALINK that I connected to my gateway. I have not connected an external antenna as of yet. I get over 200 mbps from my T-Mobile gateway but from the DYNALINK I am getting only 75 mbps. I changed the MTU to 1420. I connected the DYNALINK to the gateway with the 5e cable that came with DYNALINK. Why would the speed be less on the DYNALINK? I would appreciate it if you could give me some feedback. You have been great in your helpful videos.
