The Coleman Lantern 288: Tips for buying used lanterns

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I added another lantern to my collection. I also provides some tips for buying used Coleman lanterns.
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PS--I own 3 Colemans for exactly the reason you mention. I just went through a hurricane here in TX and was w/o electricity for over a week. My Dietz lanterns, my Coleman lanterns, and my Coleman single cookstoves were so great to have.


rust in the fonte is not a "reason to walk away" it takes decades to have a rust through problem, and i mean 5 or 6 decades. a cap off is actually a better state to find it as hard moister and fuel gum up won't happen as it will evaporate in the first few months.


Don't use a lantern or any other heat/spark producing item close to a gallon can of fuel!It could result in shall we say a life changing experience!


Just a clarification for the safety nuts. You can burn this inside. You can light this right next to that can of camp fuel as long as there arent fumes. The lantern is fuel of camp fuel you safety freaks.


i just got 4 288 lanterns the other day for $1.00 each now i got 9 lanterns and 4 stoves . now i just got to figure out what im gonna do? also take the rubber pums and soak them in dot 3 brake fluid. it makes them swell up and work mabye not perfect but in a pinch it works great then use 30 weight motor oil on the cup just a tip


Looking for the eccentric bloc, the lantern I bought had no heat shield and the plastic rod melted
