Harmonic Functions & Conjugate Harmonic Functions with 4 Questions

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In this video we will discuss:
1. Harmonic Functions @ 00:24 min.
2. If f(z) is Analytic Function then u & v both are Harmonic Function (PROOF) @ 01:34 min.
3. Conjugate Harmonic Function/Conjugate Function @ 06:06 min.
4. Four different Questions :
Q. Prove that the following functions are harmonic & obtain their conjugate function-
(a) u(x,y) = 2x(1-y) @ 08:55 min.
(b) u(x,y) = y3 - 3x2y @ 13:55 min.
(c) u(x,y) = 1/2 log(x2+y2) @ 19:45 min.
(d) u(x,y) = x3 - 3xy2 + 3x2 - 3y2 + 1 @ 26:21 min.
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5. Conformal Mapping
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1. Harmonic Functions @ 00:24 min.
2. If f(z) is Analytic Function then u & v both are Harmonic Function (PROOF) @ 01:34 min.
3. Conjugate Harmonic Function/Conjugate Function @ 06:06 min.
4. Four different Questions :
Q. Prove that the following functions are harmonic & obtain their conjugate function-
(a) u(x,y) = 2x(1-y) @ 08:55 min.
(b) u(x,y) = y3 - 3x2y @ 13:55 min.
(c) u(x,y) = 1/2 log(x2+y2) @ 19:45 min.
(d) u(x,y) = x3 - 3xy2 + 3x2 - 3y2 + 1 @ 26:21 min.
Watch Also:
Cauchy-Riemann equations (c-r equations)...necessary condition for analytic function
Sufficient Condition for a Function to be Analytic with proof
1. Cauchy integral formula and proof
2. Maxima & Minima (Extreme Values)
3. ε-δ Definition of Limit
4. BSc Mathematics
5. Conformal Mapping
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