How to Save Your Bacon Grease

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Learn how to save your bacon grease the RIGHT way! In this cooking lesson, I share my bacon grease storage hacks that keep it fresh for months. Transform leftover bacon grease into liquid gold instead of wasting this valuable kitchen staple. I'll show you my method for straining and storing bacon fat so you get the perfect flavor for all your cooking needs. No more tossing out bacon grease or letting it go bad! With my simple tips, you'll keep bacon grease tasting fresh for up to four months in the fridge or indefinitely in the freezer.

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Bacon grease in an old coffee can was found in all Southern kitchens back in the day.


My bacon grease stays good indefinitely for some reason. 😂


I do my bacon grease hot into a mason jar. I recently moved and decided to re-do my bacon grease container. I started straining it with a fine mesh skimmer that i have, its much finer mesh than a fine mesh strainer. Its giving me beautiful bacon grease like ive never had before! Its gone from looking questionable to looking edible.

I always used to just dump it without straining because thats what those before me did and taught me to do. Straining is a game changer! It even makes cooking bacon better as i can begin my cook in a nice layer of grease, expediting the process a bit.

My 1st batch of bacon i started with butter, it seperated in the grease jar, I had to scoop out what good stuff i could and use a new jar. After seeing how good it was i wanted 0 contamination!


My great grandma used to put bacon grease on toast and honestly it sounds fairly good


I prefer to carefully filter when grease is still HOT, less grease is lost to the "filter" material. I use a paper towel in a metal strainer - much finer than cheese cloth. The of course there is BACON UP!!!


Informative video. I'm always out of cheesecloth so I use the strainer with coffee filters.
I never cared much for the water method.


Full disclosure, my Wife thinks the world of you and your culinary style (We watched you on Guy's grocery games - You coulda/shoulda won that one). Back to the the bacon grease thing, both of my (both born turn of the 1900's) Grandmother's used a cheese style cloth to strain grease. I didn't know what they were doing at the time, but they stored the excess in the "Root Cellar". So, I believe you are 100% correct to be cautious because they were also ... Great work Stacey!💪


Imma use mines to replace butter to flavor my eggs haha. And to replace butter on popcorn to flavor my pop corn 😂


Can I add more into the jar as I go ? Or a different jar each time ?


I never strained it. Ever. Never went rancid and have it in the ref for years


Dumb question... if I keep it in a mason jar, and put it in the freezer, then bring it out and let it come to room temperature... can I then RE-freeze the grease I didn't use after it already came to room temperature? Does repeated room temp and re-freezing make it unsafe or does it not matter?


Could a fella store the unstrained grease in the freezer, then reheat it and strain it once the jar is closer to full?
Maybe reheat the jar but placing it in a hot water bath? Any thoughts would be appreciated


Using the mesh strainer or cheese cloth leaves teeny tiny little specs in it, guessing that is fine?
The one time I tried straining it through a paper towel instead, it came out perfectly clean from even the tiniest spec, but it was more of a hassle


Can you take it out of the refrigerator and add to it and then put it back in the fridge? I would think that would cause it to liguidfy and then become solid over and over again. And if it is only good for 3 to 4 months, there is no way of separating the old grease from the new grease. So I assume constantly adding to it might not be a good idea??


Can you restock with new oil a container with grease completely solidified? Or its a new container every time?


What do you do if you want the jar back but the bacon grease isn't all used up how do you get it out?


Could a coffee filter work instead of the cheesecloth? And is it okay to add more freshly strained bacon grease to an existing container? At what point should I start a new container? So many questions from a newbie with bacon grease ;)


Ok, what is the sealable ice cube tray that you used?


Hmmm. I stored my bacon grease in the freezer BUT I never strained it. I wonder if it’s still good after 2 years…


If you dont have cheese cloth, can you use a paper towel?
