The Hospice | Episode One | Full Documentary

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We met Jill who has a terminal brain tumor along with some young hospice patients.

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I'm in nursing school and people think I'm crazy when I say I want to be a hospice nurse. The dying deserve SO much dignity and happiness.


My eldest brother passed away in a hospice at the age of 31. The nurses were amazing.


These people are beautiful. Hospice really restores one's faith in humanity.


Oh how i wish the US had care like this..Hospice is wonderful but it's for dying. I have stage 4 Cancer and thought i wanted to be at home but if we had this here, i would change my mind very quickly. The US doesnt care about healthcare, mental health or nutritional needs. God bless these wonderful Angels.


The sister of Jill is just wonderful. I am the oldest of us 3 girls and am on my own now . No husband now. When I was found to have breast Cancer in 2016 they both were my rocks. The sister 3 yrs younger than me took me and sat with me at chemo. Little sister came and stayed the nights with me for about 4 days after because of side effects. After each treatment. Anna took me for the surgery. Donna brought me egg drop soup. 🥰They both took such good care of me ! Mom and Dad and God gave me the best Sisters !!💕🙏🏼 They also came together in 1974 when I gave birth to a stillborn baby girl and was in shock. Strange that they are and have taken care of big sister. Sorry I got off on a sister story.


Everybody in the hospice are absolute angels, but I think the kitchen staff are wonderful. How lovely that they bother how much food matters to the patients. All of hospice staff cannot be paid what they are worth.


Bless Chef Daniel. Such a guenuine, caring person. He understands that it's not about the food, it's about helping a vulnerable person feel safe in the small, comfortable details.


Huge kudos to the catering department staff. Food is a common thread among people and also a social bridge, so for them to ensure that a patient can eat the same meal as their companion-even if it’s puréed-touches my heart. The thought and kindness of that seemingly tiny effort makes a mountain of difference to the patient and their dining companion, it’s a glimmer of normality in an abnormal situation. I teared up when they said that, such genuinely caring and kind people.


I have fond memories of the chef at a rehab hospital I recovered from my spinal cord injury at.He was always the first person I’d see in the morning. I have a gluten allergy so he would cook me special meals and always stock my mini fridge with yogurts and herbal tea which were the only 2 things I’d eat besides ice cream and Italian ice. He even researched my illness to come up with ways he could support me and help my appetite(I had lost 80lbs in weeks).The cooks in this reminds me of him


I'm a day patient at my local day care hospice, or was until this damn virus descended on us, and I cannot praise the team highly enough. It's been almost a year since my last visit and I just cannot wait for it to reopen. I currently attend just one day each week, for 6 hours, but the time is so precious to me. I live alone and apart from the home help who comes to me for one hour each week I rarely see anyone else, and as I am becoming less mobile and due to COVID can't go outdoors. My faith in hospice never wavers and can only repeat what was said in the film, hospice IS a place where patients live, it's not predominantly about death. I highly recommend the service hospice provides. PLEASE, support them as much as you are able to.


Such special people, especially working with the children. I couldn't do it, it would destroy me. Thank goodness there are people who can.


Watching this really gives me a different outlook on hospice, I understand it’s not a place to die but a place to live, thank you for opening my eyes 👀


I worked in in-patient hospice for quite a while, and of all the medical arenas I worked in (long term care, emergency, ICU, pediatric emergency), hospice is far and away the only area of care I would return to. It is remarkably peaceful and fulfilling since you aren’t trying to stop the very natural process of dying, but you are guiding and walking alongside the patient and their loved ones as that final journey is being traveled. You provide education and comfort, medically and emotionally, to the patient and loved ones, and in doing so you silently give them permission to do what it seems like we hate to do-tell a loved one goodbye and give them permission to move on from this plane. There is beauty in birth and just as much in death when handled correctly and compassionately.


My partner has a progressive illness and this has made me feel more at ease about possibly using hospice for respite - ty xx


I love how they cater to the needs of individuals. I used to volunteer sing for over 2 years at an Assisted Living Home as well as those at end of life needs. I watched a few through to their last days and loved each. Whenever I would sing I can always look over where they used to sit and give me big smiles. Even during Special Events like Valentine's Day I would love to sing with the staff. One of the patients would be King and another Queen during Valentine's Day so they got crowns, candies and flowers. They looked so lovely and proud. Since I moved back South, I do miss them but plan to start singing here as well. It does the heart good to volunteer and watch their eyes light up with songs they remember and sometimes sing too which I do encourage. I still feel the ones who had to pass and know they are with me. I also played strings so I dedicated every weekend to the Military National Cemeteries playing for two hours but always praying and asking permission first and foremost. I did this for over 2 years as well. I have started to do that here but have found some of the military areas a little difficult due to the location in the cemetery. I think I will go just to the National Cemetery assigned to the passed soldiers.


Documentaries like these really make you appreciate life and make the most of it.


Children suffering from life-threatening illnesses is the worse thing and for a young child to be robbed of their lives. It is bloody cruel and bloody wrong.


This is just so humane. It’s the best of what humans are capable.


these are truly kind people that put all their effort into making others happy. The world needs more people like these


I work in a nursing home and very often we are accommodating End Of Life residents. We do all we can to make them comfortable and happy. It's a shame that due to covid restrictions we can't open doors to their families who obviously would love to spend their their waking our next to them.
