MEDIEVAL TOILETS #history #historia #medievalcastle #castle #medieval #castles #toilet #toilets

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In days of old, when Knights were bold and toilets weren't invented. You left your load upon the road and walked away, contented! 😂


Poop collection was a right that was often sold.
That's prime fertilizer right there!


Someone got assassinated with that toilet at the discoloured part


-sieging castle
-wait underneath poop hole one step back
-wait for turd to drop
-step forward
-Fire crossbow bolt directly up
Eliminates defenders one BM at a time gg ez


Fun fact:Sometimes, the latrines chute would drop excrement into (depending on wether or not it had one, in this example they would)a castle’s moat.Hence making a moat not just a stagnant water pool for defense but rather a biohazard-feces pool which could kill or severely infect people who fell in.


The weirdest part is that they're almost always facing towards the busier side of the castle. I'd wanna hide my poop hole around back somewhere


In my old town we had a ruins of a castle. The perimeter walls were still standing strong but most the castle was destroyed. One watchtower they had one of these holes that led outside to the moat. As kids we used to get shitfaced in the watchtower that was complete with one of these ‘toilets’ Moral of the story is despite how old castles are; you’d be surprised how many generations still use their toilets.


I've used a medieval toilet. It wasn't there for the purpose but it was the only choice I had at the time.


It's better to be a servant in today's age than a king in medieval times


So crazy to think about how different it is socially as well. Back then only a king really had a "toilet" and I'm sure the lowest man on the totem pole got the (literal) shit jobs. Now everyone has a toilet and plumbers make pretty phenomenal money.


No they don’t have that problem anymore. They have been building round wooden covers for years to cover the wholes. Also most castles have indoor plumbing since the late 1700s. Yes the castles had stone toilets and paid people to clean the pits and put the waste with the animal waste mixed it together and put on the gardens making the flowers very beautiful. Castles also stunk really bad and people got use to the smell. It’s a small price to pay to be welcome in the castles. The best and least stinky castles were on ones that the king would visit. If he heard rumors about how bad the castle smelled, they would not stop with their party and wouldn’t even stay for a night. If the king stopped off at your castle. It could have or would have bankrupt the owners of all its extra money. They deliberately would stop off at the castle of someone they got in the kings Nerves. Just to put them in their place. The costs were extremely expensive, mostly due to all the animals that were killed and eaten. They ate everything and hunted every animal on the land. It was even said after the king left some castles people would starve to death throughout the winter. All due to the fact that so many mouths had to be fed so much every day. I seen some of the lists of food eaten by the king and his entourage. It would put stores to shame. This was Per day sometimes weeks. The King had professional hunters that would kill every deer, hogs, birds, rabbits, cows and everything they could get with in 20 miles. Not only did they just hunt but confiscated food for the king. From the poor farmers. Sometimes they were paid for what they took other times it was confiscated for big Taxes most of the time it was just declared for the king and just taken. Leaving people without milk and food for there children that starved over the winter. It was a sad life being a peasant. Big pits were also dugout and filled with the human waste or even set on fire.


You're telling me people rich enough to own castles in France have had 200 years and haven't figured out how to put a cork in a hole ??


Brings new meaning to the phrase, "any hole's a goal"


I would be worried about bats flying up there when I was using it as a poop hole.


Did you know the roman toliets were even wilder? They had large open rooms where people would sit and do their business. No privacy and in full view of the person next to them. The common roman citizen has no concept of disease and they believed if something smelled nice, it was safe. In the washrooms was a bucket that had a sponge on a stick that would soak in perfumes and lavender. The stick was shared by everyone and returned to the bucket to "sanitize"


Fun fact, if said holes were large enough, soldiers would climb through the hole, yes even when the someone is taking a shit, to infiltrate the castle and start an attack on the inside


Honestly that’s much better than I would’ve thought.


Cleaning the royal cesspool was widely considered to be one of the shittiest jobs a peasant could have back in those days, experts say.


The hardships of living in a French chateau 😂


I'd be mad if I ended up with a severe case of "Bat Ass"
